6 Reasons You Should Fill Your Plate Carefully

We are fortunate enough to have access to anextensive variety of plentiful food. Unfortunately, many of those foods are harmful to our health as they are enhanced with chemicals, sugar, saltto make them appealing to the taste buds and eyes.

If your plate is adequately full,but the food on the plate is not so nutritious to meet your body’s daily nutrients requirement, then you need to be extra careful. It’s not always easy, but there are convincing reasons to pick the real rewards of good food over the temptation of unhealthy food.

Poor and unhealthy eating can lead to various issues,and some of them are as follow:

  • Stroke and heart diseases are common with people who do not take care of their eating habits. Excess of oily and spicy food often adds up to form bad cholesterol which leads to cardiovascular problems
  • Even cancerous growth maystart due to poor eating habits and nutrients deficit
  • Hypertension and diabetes are thekey issuesresulting from an unhealthy diet and obesity
  • Excessive intake of sugar items can damage your teeth

So, to avoid these health problems and lead a healthy life, you must fill your plate with healthy and nutritious food which can also help you in achieving:

  1. Increased Productivity

Just as petrol is vital for the functioning of a car, food plays an essential role in brain functioning.A study by Population Health Managementdepicts thatunhealthy food habits are linked with a66percent increased risk in thedrop in the productivityof individuals.Therefore, once you start having the right kind of food, it automatically increases the amount of work you can accomplish.

  1. A Great Body

Everyone knows the effect of food on body structure, isn’t it? However, hardly people implement the same. Moreover, due to a hectic life schedule, the concept of nutritious meals is now restricted to a burger or a plate of fried chips. Many individuals these days suffer from obesity and related health problems, but all these can be solved if you change that burger and fries with fresh veggies and nutritious food items.

  1. Stress-Free Life

Our stress levels are controlled by a hormone called cortisol and including protein-rich food in the diet is importantto keep this hormone levels correct. So, withincreasing pressure at work and personal life, to fight the stress and keep calm; you need food with lots of proteins- like salmon and dairy products.

  1. Healthier Lifestyle

Unhealthy food habits and health problems go hand in hand. So, tolead a healthy lifestyle and live longer, taking good care of yourdiet is important. Eating less to remainslim does not necessarily means you are healthy. It’s all about having the right food at the right time. Daily intake of soda, chips, fried foods should be curbed as it not only increases your body weight but affects your blood pressure, cholesteroland sugar levels.

  1. Happiness

Brain and hormones regulate the human mood. Food nutrients affect different parts of the brain which include the part which monitors mood. Thus, if you eat good food especially the ones rich in minerals and vitamins, it can help achieve a good mood throughout the day. For this purpose, increase the intake of vegetables, whole grains, fruits and foods which are full of Omega-3 fats. All these food choices can help you avoid depression and have a stable mood.

  1. Save Money and Time

Eating healthy isn’t always easy butpledging to a healthy diet can be one of the smartest decisions you ever make. Why? Not only can eating well make you feel and look better, but it can also save you money on future health costs and not to forget your precious time.

Is Adopting Healthy Lifestyle Enough?

Taking real ownership of your health by lifestyle modification can help you lead a better, more illness-free existence. However, our capacity to predict the “odds” of getting a particular disease, especially a critical illness like cancer areextremely limited. The hazard of such illness is the result of a host of factors- including social, environmental, genetics. Furthermore, given the alarming increase in cancer cases, its best to be prepared. Having cancer insurance is the way to plan ahead for such untoward situations. Here’s why you should opt for cancer insurance:

  • Cancer treatment is costly
  • The incidences of cancer are only expected to rise
  • Cancer insurance offers a lump sum payout for all stages of cancer
  • It comes with affordable premium

Obtaining a cancer insurance plan, hence, is a big aid that protects you from the financial breakdown if you are ever diagnosed withthis dreaded ailment.