Shortage of Judges

This has reference to the news item ‘India has 19 Judges per 10 lakh people’ DE Sept 25, 2018.
The shortage of Judges in Indian courts is a matter of great concern for the people of this country. One of the reasons why people do not get justice on time is the shortage of Judges. It takes pretty long time for cases to get settled in Courts. Rather one thinks a number of times before going to court to seek justice. It is only after one feels that no way has been left for him to seek justice from other quarters that he prefers to go a court. Despite this hesitation, there are lakhs of cases pending disposal. It has rightly been termed that ‘Justice delayed is Justice denied’. In case people do not get justice on time, what is fun of approaching a court?
It is quite heartening to know that the Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has urged the Chief Justice of the 24 High Courts to speed up recruitment of Judicial officers for the lower Judiciary.
Besides, the Government must provide sufficient funds to these courts to create necessary infrastructure for timely disposal of cases.
Amit Kumar