Financial autonomy key to holistic development: Omar

Excelsior Correspondent
LAKHANPUR, Jan 13: Underscoring the importance of financial self-sufficiency in catapulting development and attaining new highs of progress and prosperity, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah today called for developing a mindset by the civil society and the Government of working together to realize this goal.
“The hand which contributes and extends financial support is always better than the one which receives it”, he said, adding that God has bestowed upon Jammu and Kashmir his blessings in the shape of water resources in plenty and these could be utilized to transform the economy of the State by generating surplus hydro energy.
Addressing a function after inaugurating Toll Plaza here today, the Chief Minister said that enhancing tax orbit is not the answer to strengthen State’s financial position but generation of electricity in huge quantity is only way forward to make financial autonomy rule the roast in the State’s development process.
“Whatever is our right to receive from the Centre, we should get it with our heads up, but when it is in the shape of concessions and mercies one does not feel elated”, he said, adding that the total dependence on Central financial support has to be reversed by the joint efforts and determination of the people and the State Government.
“We have lagged behind in harnessing the hydro electric potential of 20,000 MWs available in the State. Had half of it been realized so far we would have been providing 24×7 electricity to the consumers and industries in the State and selling about 5000 MWs to other parts of the country”, he said reiterating his Government’s resolve to make necessary dent in this regard. He said his Government has already launched prestigious projects in the State sector, in joint ventures, in PPP and IPP modes and the day is not far away when State would bash new strides in power generation and achieve the cherished goal of self-reliance.
Saying that Coalition Government is committed to public service, Omar Abdullah said that besides focusing on upgradation and improvement of basic facilities across the State, the consolidation of health and education sectors loomed large in the development policy of his Government during the last four years.
Expressing gratitude to Union Government for extra-ordinary financial support to the State and providing Rs. 7300 crore plan grants for the current fiscal, the Chief Minister said that transfer of money from the Centre to the State takes some time. “There are still Rs. 1900 crore with the Centre which have not been transferred to the State so far. This sometimes create difficulties for the State to carry on financial commitments”, he said, adding that he would take up the issue of early release of this amount by the Centre with the Prime Minister soon. He said sometimes this kind of situation results in delay in the payments to contractors and others. However, he, added that the Finance Minister and his team has not allowed this difficulty to impact on transactions and development processes but managed to tackle the situation amicably.
The Chief Minister said that Lakhanpur is the face of Jammu and Kashmir and most of the visitors and people visit through this township to the State besides huge trade and commerce activities taking place via this station. He said that befitting and modern facilities at this place are all the more necessary to give good impression to the people and the traders visiting Jammu and Kashmir.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Finance, Abdul Rahim Rather said that the new Toll Plaza will give further fillip to economic activities as the Lakhanpur has become State’s economic hub. He said that the Toll Plaza will provide hassle-free facilities to the traders, industrialists and other business community to tranship their consignments to and fro.
Completed at a cost of Rs. 42.58 crore, the new Toll Plaza has 9 weigh bridges for trucks and 5 bus bays for buses and light vehicles. The Plaza has a main office block and a parking facility for 240 trucks. It has shelter place for drivers with nearby sanitation facilities. The recreation building constructed in the complex has facility for traders and businessmen to stay. The building also provides additional facilities for tourists and passengers with 24×7 systems of drinking water and electricity supply.
The Finance Minister said that the new Toll Plaza to be fully computerized with application of e-governance techniques will not only upgrade tax collection plugging leakages but provide a great relief to the trading community. The payment of passenger tax, toll tax, entry tax and other taxes will be now online also. He said that all the financial units of the State would be totally computerized by April 2013.
Minister of State for Finance, Manohar Lal, Parliament Member, Lal Singh, Legislators, Jagdish Raj Sapolia and Subash Gupta also spoke on the occasion while Legislators Jagdish Raj Sapolia, Durga Dass, Lal Chand, Charanjit Singh and Noor Hussain, Economic Advisor to the Government, Jalil Ahmad Khan and Financial Commissioner Finance, Mohammad Iqbal Khandey, Excise Commissioner, Vineeta Gupta, Commissioner Commercial Taxes, Kifayat Hussain Rizvi, Deputy Commissioner, Kathua and other senior officers were present on the occasion.