Kashmiri politicians infringed upon rights of Jammuites, Ladakhis, Pandits: KPC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 30: Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC), President, Kundan Kashmir while ridiculing the former Chief Minster and NC president, Dr Farooq Abdullah’s recent outbursts against the demand of trifurcation and quadruplication of the J&K State as demanded by KPC and other organizations said that reorganization of J&K was the only solution to the problems of the people of Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmiri Pandits.
He said the hegemony of Kashmiri politicians over the State continued for 70 years and except amassing a huge amount by looting the State exchequer they never bothered for the welfare of people of other regions whom they considered their fiefdom.
He said the NC president has vehemently criticized nationalist forces like KPC and others and said that the NC will continue to strive to defend State’s so–called secular character.
Kundan Kashmiri, said that Dr Abdullah and his party has completely ignored the fact that secularism was buried in the State the day Kashmiri Pandits and other nationalists were forced to migrate to Jammu, Delhi and other parts of country in 1990 to escape their physical liquidation and save their honour, dignity, culture and faith. Most of over four lakh internally-displaced KPs from Kashmir have been living in refugee camps since then and struggling to return to their Kashyap Bhoomi, where writ of Indian Constitution lies large.
Farooq Abdullah also overlooked the fact that his own NC has forgotten and dumped his slogan of “Hindu–Muslim–Sikh Itihad” and opposed tooth and nail the genuine demand of separate Kashyap Bhoomi for the internally-displaced Kashmiri Hindus in the Valley.
The NC’s whole concept of secularism is flawed when they at one hand chant secularism in the State and at the other hand demanded autonomy from India and trampled upon the rights of the minorities in the State on daily basis by opposing minority rights to the minority, including Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and Christians.
It is beyond the doubt that the NC is Kashmir-based, Kashmir-centric and votary of limited accession of J&K to India. The demand of Kashmiri Pandits, Jammuities and Ladakhis for the State’s reorganization/ quadruplication is genuine one and needs to be implemented as earliest as possible.