Adultery not a crime

This is in refrence to the letter “Now adultery not a crime “by Mr H.S Sahni DE Oct 1, 2018.As far I could comprehend, the writer has tried to put forth two views .First that SC has given equal rights to men and women on adultery, which the writer thinks should be discouraged and second that India being a land of different religious, faiths, ethos should have a law aginst adultery. I was literally shocked to hear such views. On one side we Indians are striving to send a manned mission to space and on the other we are advocating such ideas which promote discrimination aginst women.
The entire matter of adultery is a matter of one’s privacy and as decided by SC in case of Puttuswamy case that an individual has a fundamental right to privacy and that cannot be abridged or taken away.
Making laws against adultery are not going to do any good. While adultery can be used as basis for filing divorce it should not be legally punishable.It is only in progressive legal landscape that an individual rights florish .
Raghav Bakshi