Sometimes I wonder

Mehak Gupta Grover
Go beyond the power,
Of truth and falsehood.
Stand for oneness,
And oneness alone shall win.
For truthfulness and perjury are mere perceptions,
Unity alone overpowers the delusions.
India is a land of widespread diversities in terms of religion, caste, language, region, tribe and so on. We have the second largest population in the world. There are around 22 major languages in India, written in 13 different scripts, with over 720 dialects.
Unity in our country doesn’t mean the kind of oneness that comes from racial and cultural similarity. It is unity inspite of great differences, Unity in Diversity. National integration is the awareness of a common identity among the citizens of a country. It means that though we belong to different castes, religions and regions and we speak different languages, we recognise the fact that we are all one. This makes our nation strong and prosperous.
But, I do wonder, how and when will this little thing come into the minds of the people? When will people realise that being from different religions doesn’t make us different? We are humans first!
National integration makes the nation powerful, invincible, gives economic prosperity, bestows peace and harmony. It creates a feeling of togetherness towards one’s own country irrespective of their individual differences. It isn’t only about national spirit but involves a feeling that brings people from all areas and beliefs together in a common endeavour. Because we have high degree of disintegration, many social problems occurred like the partition of India in 1947, the destruction of Babri Masjid in 1992, unending riots between Hindus and Muslims, barrier of untouchability, status barrier and many more. All these are pulling us back. Integration is the quintessential power of an organization or society. Without organization, the welfare of society is not possible, and without integration, the society cannot establish an ideal. While integration is the unifying power for a society or country; the disintegration is a destructive power.
Communalism is the greatest challenge that divides our country. We need to promote communal harmony. As a responsible citizen we must respect every language that is spoken in India. Since childhood, kids should be taught that they are Indians and deep sense of patriotism must be developed. National integration is actually a harmonious situation that binds the people of a nation together. The nation is built by its people so all the people must live in unity for the development of the nation as a whole. We must have a common identity, as Indians, to promote national integration.
“Unity can turn thorns into roses,
Incongruity can hurl these roses!”
If we can work on our Swachch Bharat and Make in India, National Integration should be the top priority. Constructing toilets is definitely an important national activity, but learning to live together is a lesson we all need to incorporate in our lives. Why do we keep on spreading hatred about any religion? A country can only progress when it’s people are united. Eid should be explained with the same gusto as Diwali.
In words of Mahatma Gandhi- ” All great religions of the world inculcate equality and brotherhood of mankind and the virtue of tolerance.”
No power in the world will be able to bring disintegration, if people realise that their basic foundation is the same, that is, humanity. We should remember that when a society is organized and united, it will never be the object of mockery or attacks. Even if a person is poor, but if all are together in his family, he can never be unhappy, but where there is disintegration, that home suffers, no matter how much money, wealth it has accumulated. The society which is organized, tied in integration, can never be defeated because integration is the greatest strength but where there is break-up that society will be subject to destruction by anyone’s onslaught.
For a developing country like India, which for years has been a victim of slavery, it is must work to strengthen national integration to avoid threats such as communalism, casteism, and regionalism. These separatist tendencies undermine national integration, leading to bloodshed, carnage and riots, etc. National unity and integration is absolutely necessary for the stability of democracy, defence of freedom and all-round development of the nation.Therefore, it is the duty of every citizen to promote nationalism to reinforce national integration. We require a strong nation to protect national integration. So, we should suppress disruptive elements by staying away from petty thinking centering on caste, regionalism, religion, etc.
Where there is unity,
There is power of confidence.
This power becomes fist,
And dissolves all irrelevancy.