Creating all inclusive society & restoring Dogra pride my priority: Vikramaditya

*Says not averse to contesting elections

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Oct 13: Vikramaditya elder son of veteran Congress leader, intellectual and an art lover Dr Karan Singh, joined Congress few days back. A product of Modern School, Delhi, he finished his high school from United World College, Singapore and then attended undergraduate studies at the University of California where he pursued Business Administration and International Relations.
An avid polo player and became vice president of the Indian Polo Association, he took keen interest in tourism promotion in J&K and Himachal Pradesh and was a member of the India Heritage Hotels Association. He gained political experience under the tutelage of his father and father-in-law late Madharao Scindia.
In a free-wheeling interview to Daily Excelsior’s Anil Anand, he revealed his future plans in J&K and at the national levels.
AA: What are your plans hereafter both in the State and at national levels by becoming part of the Congress?
VS: Primarily I will work to mobilize the Congress cadres in the State to strengthen the party with an ultimate aim to present a viable alternative to the people that is all inclusive and not based on narrow sectarian thinking. Since the election season is coming I will not hesitate to work for the part at the national levels also.
Though I am a Dogra but for me entire Jammu and Kashmir is my home.
AA: When you talk of Dogra pride it is immediately perceived to be attached to a particular religion. What is your perception and how would you work to restore this pride in the light of this narrow sectarian view attached to this rich heritage?
VS: The Dogra identity has to be rebuilt in all its diversity. The current problems and wrong perception about Dogra identity is the result of BJP’s narrow and communal vision of the issue. For me all people of Jammu region are Dogras. It is a fact that Jammu is the only region of the State which has composite culture. We have to protect it.
Rebuilding the Dogra identity is a herculean task. It will need making people, of all the three regions, aware about the contributions of the Dogra rulers particularly as to why J&K became part of India and contribution of Maharaja Hari Singh in achieving this.
AA: What role would you like to play on the front and how?
VS: Much would depend on how Congress leadership uses my services. Unfortunately the PDP and the Muftis did not utilize either my services or the rich legacy of my family to create an all inclusive society in the State. Perhaps the BJP’s pressure worked more on them or the PDP leadership themselves did not want it.
AA: What is your vision about Jammu and the goals you now set for yourself?
VS: My first and foremost priority and goal would be to work towards ending regional discrimination and restore Jammu regions Dogra identity.
AA: All this apart, do you have any plans to contest elections either Lok Sabha or State Assembly?
VS: This is not up to me. It is for the Congress high command as to how to use my services. Yes, if asked to contest elections my options would be open.