High time for India, Pak to start talks: NC

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 13: The J&K National Conference today urged both India and Pakistan to initiate a time bound and result oriented dialogue process at the earliest.
Addressing party workers here today, party additional general secretary Sheikh Mustafa Kamaal urged the Government of India to start a dialogue process with all stake holders in the State.
“Elections at a time when situation demanded conciliation and healing the wounds that were inflicted on the youth of Jammu and Kashmir due to the misgovernment of BJP-PDP Coalition Government are inconceivable. The coalition disenchanted educated youth of Kashmir to an extent that they are giving up higher studies and lucrative professions to pick guns,” Kamaal said.
He said ULB elections are being held after 13 years and the process could have waited until the Government clear its stand on state’s special status and protect it in the apex court but the Government didn’t rise up to the occasion and superimposed the elections on the state.
He claimed that NC has upheld the honor and dignity of the State unlike PDP who put the very soul of our state to flames. “It is high time for India and Pakistan to initiate a dialogue process that leads to final settlement of the issue which is a win situation for India, Pakistan and Kashmir,” Kamaal opined.