Fight between Hindu renaissance and Hindu obscurantism: Swamy on Sabarimala issue

NEW DELHI, Oct 17: BJP MP Subramanian Swamy Wednesday described the Sabarimala issue as a fight between “Hindu renaissance and Hindu obscurantism” as he asked people to side with the rule of law and uphold equality before law.
Swamy’s tweets came on a day tension gripped parts of Kerala as a large number of faithfuls hit the streets to prevent women from entering the Sabarimala temple following a Supreme Court verdict lifting the ban on their entry.
Various Hindu groups have protested the court’s decision, and the Kerala BJP is seen to be backing them by attacking the Left government in the state for “hastily” implementing the order.
“The fight in Sabarimalai issue is between Hindu Renaissance and Hindu Obscurantism,” Swamy said, adding that “we of VHS must side with the rule of law and uphold equality before law”.
Virat Hindustan Sangam is an organisation linked to Swamy.
“By obstructing women who wish to worship at Sabarimalai, some Hindus in Kerala it seems, have been brainwashed by years of Communist rule to become doctrinaire in thought process,” he said.
Replying to a query on Twitter, he said the Centre must intervene to enforce law and order if the state government is incapable of ensuring women devotees free access to the temple. (PTI)