Indian boy wins 2018 Wildlife Photographer of Year award

LONDON: A 10-year-old boy from Jalandhar on Thursday brought global accolades for the country by winning the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award in the 10-years-and-under category.

Winner Arshdeep Singh (10) bagged the coveted prize for his photograph ‘Pipe Owls,’ which showcases two spotted owlets nested inside a rusted waste-pipe, the Natural History Museum of Britain, which has been organising the event for the last 53 years, announced on its official Twitter handle.

”Our youngest category winner, in 10 Years and Under, is Arshdeep Singh from India with ‘Pipe Owls’. After his keen observational skills helped him see these spotted owlets Arshdeep waited patiently for the birds to peep out from their hiding place to get this winning shot,” the organisers posted on Twitter.

Arshdeep recently won the Junior Asian Wildlife Photographer of the Year award. His work has previously been published in national and international publications, such as Lonely Planet UK, Lonely Planet Germany, Lonely Planet India and, BBC Wildlife UK. (AGENCIES)