Me too Rage

The Me too rage of Indian women against the senior journalists, Bollywood actors and famous directors has recently surfaced in the air and is a movement that needs our concern. It is a voice against the exploitation at work places by the male dominated agencies. Me too rage is now gaining support from the civil society against the torture our women face in day-to-day course.
Me too anguish is now unfolding around us in India. The power structure in most places of work is dominated by men and the victims are mostly young and vulnerable women as the men are in a position of authority. Now with greater awakening towards gender equality and with the help of print and electronic media the tormented victims have now found an outlet by exposing the perpetrators. Fortunately the law of the land has now laid down a procedure on how these cases are to be dealt with. At the same time public discussions in India has started to treat sexual harrassment, abuse and assault as serious violation.
The present uprising among the women is a welcome gesture which will usher dignity and security towards women in the offices.
S N Raina