
Sunday Oct 21-2018

Aries : Are you a science and technology geek? Well, today you may have a chance to use your knowledge and zoom ahead of everyone! Ganesha says even students will excel in their studies. Housewives, try your own new recipe, the oven will not blast!

Taurus : Today, passionate and possessive are the two words that will define your relationship with the people you love, predicts Ganesha. You may choose to take pains for the sake of others, which seems to be highly fulfilling. Your good spirit will sky-rocket by evening. Make sure to change your disadvantage into your advantage, says Ganesha.

Gemini : If you are embroiled in a legal dispute, an out-of-court settlement is likely, predicts Ganesha. You are a courageous person and you’ll need a lot of it today. Don’t back down from your decisions. You may have to be stern with a few people. Your resilience will pay off.

Cancer : You will labour more to finish pending tasks. You will give priority to career compared to personal chores. So you will be caught up in your career and business riddles. By evening, however, you will have cheerful moments as Ganesha sees you having cherishing time with your beloved.

Leo : A mixed bag of fortunes, a bittersweet pill, call it what you will, but today brings with it a lot of things packed within its 24-hour period. Ganesha foresees a hectic morning, and an even more frantic afternoon. So, respite will be a luxury for you today. If this was the bitter end of the pill, then its sweet results will be like a balm on your frayed nerves, says Ganesha. A fabulous time with your loved ones, a scrumptious dinner that is going to delight your appetite, and a sensuous evening are all in the offing.

Virgo : Your renewed enthusiasm for life will bring about a radical change in you. Ganesha says today is a good time to let others see how important and how brilliant you can be. Your intelligence will become very evident as you demonstrate how things should be done.

Libra : Ganesha says you will try to gain knowledge in new topics today. You will feel enthusiasm and a feeling of positivity today. You will show more interest when talking with friends and this will make you come closer to them. There will be benefits to you from your life partner. You will be happy to be in the company of a close relative today. Ganesha says he will be with you always.

Scorpio : The ground beneath you seems a bit shaky; watch your steps. A time would come when your confidence would be shattered, however, don’t let set-backs and failures affect you. Adapt the attitude of ‘this too shall pass’ and the rest would fall in place, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : A day full of cheer and joy is in store. You will probably enrol in a part-time course and sharpen your skills. But for those in police and legal professions, you will be the lions of the jungle! Roar and stamp your authority, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You have been waiting to hear some good news for long, and today is the day when the wait will be finally over. With your eyes firmly set on your goal, you will develop likings for your work. This will help you make plans and take decisions for the future, feels Ganesha. You wished to change your current job, but with some good news coming in you may not wish for the same any more.

Aquarius : You may find your schedules running haywire today! Your workload may be daunting, especially if you’re an administrator. However, Ganesha says your diligence and commitment will tide you through. And you are still ready to party in the evening. What energy!

Pisces : You will finally realize the worth of your resources today. You will take a decision to increase your savings and clamp down on unnecessary expenses. Your expenses are likely to increase temporarily. It is a good idea to invest in debt schemes today, says Ganesha.