PoJK DPs stage protest, project demands

PoJK DPs staging protest near Press Club in Jammu on Thursday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
PoJK DPs staging protest near Press Club in Jammu on Thursday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 25: The displaced persons from Pak occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) today held protest demonstration against the slow process of disbursement of relief amount sanctioned by the Prime Minister and ignoring other demands of the DPs.
A large number of displaced community members under the banner of PoJK DPs Front 1947, 65 and 1971, led by its president , Capt ( Retd) Yudhvir Singh Chib and woman wing president, Sakandya Devi assembled at Exhibition Ground, near Press Club here this morning and started protest demonstration. They were shouting slogans against the Govt and officers involved in the disbursement of Rs 5.50 lakh relief amount to the DP families sanctioned by the Prime Minister under Rs 2000 crore PM’s Relief Package.
Capt Yudhvir while addressing media alleged that DPs were being harassed on various pretexts by the Revenue officers connected with the disbursement of relief package worth Rs 5.50 lakh per family. He alleged that the disbursement process was very slow. He said nearly four years are over but the State Government has failed to disburse the amount to even one third of the DP families.
The refugee leader further said that the Government offices do not have the record and in some offices it is lying in worst condition. The DPs are being forced to bring full record and submit state subjects as well. Many of them are unable to procure record. Under such circumstances they are being harassed. Two times the Committee deployed for disbursement of relief has been changed but the miseries of the DPs have increased instead of being minimized.
Capt Chib said that Rs 5.50 lakh is just first installment and Govt should provide Rs 30 lakh amount as recommended by JPC. He also demanded political reservation for the DPs and said at least 12 reserved seats for them out of 24 lying in PoJK should be given to them. He also sought reservation for their wards in Govt jobs and professional institutes and inclusion of the left out families in relief payment who are residents of J&K but now residing in Punjab, Himachal, Delhi and other states.