
Monday Oct 29-2018

Aries : Today, you may get to share your ideas and opinions with like-minded people. Ganesha says you may finally have a heart-to-heart chat with your beloved, and express your deep commitment. You may even talk of your long cherished dreams.

Taurus : This day is meant for taking some time out from your busy schedule, and seeking some fun and relaxation. So says Ganesha. It is possible that you will be getting together with your friends and family members for a fun filled evening followed by a great dinner and a late night movie. The strong urge to eat hot, spicy and delicious dishes is surely going to get the better of you. So go ahead and have fun.

Gemini : Today, you would love to spend as much time alone as possible with your sweetheart, says Ganesha. A casual conversation between the two of you may culminate into a sensuous consummation. In the evening, you will keep people charmed with your wit and wisdom, feels Ganesha.

Cancer : You know how to make money, and you are even better in putting it to good use. Today, you will have your one eye on the developments in the stock market, and the other on brochures of tourism companies. Yes, you may plan to spend some money on leisure, entertainment and getting closer to your family. What better investment than the one made on strengthening the family bond.

Leo : The travel bug inside you is itching to be let loose, but things are not so simple when it comes to finding new destinations, says Ganesha. With you, holidaying goes hand in hand with delays. So, although you might be excited at the prospect of going to new places, this excitement will be somewhat curtailed thanks to postponements of travel plans. Well, such is life, so don’t go about taking it to heart and getting all upset.

Virgo : It is quite possible that you will love financial challenges that are thrown at you, as they whet your appetite for success. You will come up with innovative ideas and improved methods of problem-solving. Ganesha assures you that your current business ideas will work wonders.

Libra : Gear up to play the peace maker today! Your ability to handle a ‘Brady Bunch’ hasn’t gone unnoticed. So expect to be put in charge of handling disputes among your subordinates at work today, hints Ganesha. Research work may slow to a crawl today, but the offshoot is that it’s an auspicious day to enter into new contracts. You might want to arrange that bit of business over lunch. Good food has a tendency to lead to successful end of negotiations. Just don’t forget to compliment the chef and leave a tip.

Scorpio : You shall follow all things to the dot today. Your approach will be methodical and robotic. It is likely that you shall symbolise the saying, ‘Actions speak louder than words’. Your powers of persuasion will help you amass the confidences of many, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : A day to full of caution, warns Ganesha. There are chances that your heart will find its partner, forcing you to fall in love. You may be cupid’s next prey. However, watch your steps, as the initial stages of a relationship may be fragile and need to handled with care. Also, it’s time to guard your reputation.

Capricorn : Like you weren’t already overworked, new responsibilities will keep you occupied throughout the day, says Ganesha. The excitement with which you work every day will weaken, and eventually die down by the end of the day. This is mainly because you will burn your energy and resources in helping others. But there is a good side to this too. Your social standing will improve dramatically because of your kind nature.

Aquarius : You have your head on your shoulders and feet on the ground. Congratulations! You’ve covered the first step to success. Step two, says Ganesha, involves an inquisitive mind and a questioning attitude. Later, you may resort to shortcuts and compromise a tad in quality.

Pisces : Anticipation is all the fun. Sadly, this only alludes to your months-in-preparation travel plans that are most likely to be delayed today on one count or the other. Though, if this is any consolation, your trip, when it finally occurs, will bring you as much pleasure and satisfaction that you expected out of it, if not more, says Ganesha.