Education most potent tool to ensure peace in society: Union minister

BJP MP Satyapal Singh former Police Commissioner of Mumbai during the parliament on 28th nov. 2016. Express photo by Renuka Puri *** Local Caption *** BJP MP Satyapal Singh former Police Commissioner of Mumbai during the parliament on 28th nov. 2016.

NEW DELHI: Education is the most potent tool to ensure peace in society and a country, junior HRD minister Satyapal Singh said Sunday.
Speaking at ‘India Ideas Conclave’ here, the Minister of State for Human Resources Development, also said that “one of the biggest mistakes” of Independent India was to adopt the education system of the British Rule.
“Education has the biggest role in ensuring individual, social and national peace,” he said.
Singh said an education system devoid of ‘Sanskara’ and universal values can not ensure peace in a society or country.
“Our biggest mistakes are partition on the basis of religion, carving out states on linguistic lines, dividing society among castes and adopting Lord Macaulay’s education system,” he said.
The former Mumbai Police commissioner said a situation of breakdown of law and order arrives when the scare of rule of law weakens.
The laws of the country are fine, but the problem lies with enforcement, he said. (PTI)