Sinha cautions against falling for fake narratives on social media

NEW DELHI: Union Minister Jayant Sinha on Sunday cautioned people against falling for “untruths and fake narratives” on social media.
Speaking at an event here, the Minister of State for Civil Aviation also emphasised that the government’s policies on development and delivery are to benefit everyone as he flagged concerns about the “obstructionist nature” of the opposition.
Responding to queries about alleged misuse of social media and whether having an own social media platform for the country could be a solution, Sinha said he was not sure that is the right remedy for “weaponisation of social media”.
“We have to think from a legal perspective … Other aspect of remedy is to educate people, educate voters, educate citizens so that they are not taken in by fake narratives and untruths that people peddle in the garb of actually being the truth,” he noted.
The minister also took a dig at the Opposition for their “obstructionist nature”.
“If every debate and every discussion in Parliament is intended simply to score narrow political points on camera, then how are we going to keep the Executive accountable,” he said at India Ideas Conclave 2018.
“We as the Executive are more than willing to be accountable,” he added. (AGENCIES)