Exercise in futility

In 2011 a House Committee of LA was constituted to make recommendations for controlling road accidents in Doda sector. In 2012 the Committee submitted its recommendations. More than nine months have passed, not a blade of grass has moved. Not to speak of any action on the recommendations made by the Committee, many departmental heads concerned with arresting road accidents are not even aware of the report. This is the sordid state of affairs at the administrative levels. Should not the concerned be brought book under Services Act? If a Government functionary is to be punished up to a fine of five thousand rupees for delayed service, should not the rules apply in the case of the report of House Panel when we know that many more accidents took place during last two years and many more precious lives were lost? Who should be held responsible for this grave and ruinous negligence? If the defaulters are made to account for their faults, it will lay a good and healthy precedence and improve efficiency of Government functionaries.