DM Reasi orders deduction of salary of 8 doctors

Excelsior Correspondent
REASI, Oct 30: The District Magistrate (DM/DC), Reasi, Prasanna Ramaswamy G has directed the Chief Medical Officer, Reasi, Medical Superintendent of the District Hospital and Treasury Officer, Reasi to deduct the salary of the eight doctors/ Medical officers of Reasi hospital of the strike period.
While describing the strike of the doctors as `illegal’, the DM in a communiqué here today said that it came to his notice that some doctors/ Medical officers of the Reasi Hospital were on the strike and not rendering their services to the public. It was also reported to him by the Medical Suptt of District Hospital, Reasi through his communication on October 27, 2018.
The Deputy Commissioner revealed that his office vide Order No. DM/Rsi/2743-48 dated 20-10-2018, had specifically directed the CMO Reasi and Medical Suptt of Reasi Hospital that no Medical officer/ doctor shall deny services to any citizen/ patient in the name of strike, under sections 3&4 of The Essential Services Maintenance Act 1968. This order has been violated by the eight doctors.
Quoting a High Court order, titled` Bashir Ahmed Dar & Ors v/s State’ dated 13-4-2010, the DM said the court has clearly mentioned that ” there is no fundamental, legal or statutory right for an employee to go on strike. There is also no moral or equitable justification for the employee to proceed on strike and go on extending it.”
The doctors/ MOs whose salary is being deducted for being on strike for about one week, from October 20 to Oct 27, 2018, are- Dr Ashwani Kumar – MO, PG Ortho; Dr Devinder Kumar- MO PG Gyn; Dr Rohit Chib -Pediatrician; Dr Bhavana Sharma-MO PG Radiologist; Dr Javed Akhtar Manhas – Consultant Anesthesia; Dr Shakeel Ahmed and Dr Rimpy Bhagotra-both Dental Surgeons and Dr Falak Sher Khan-PG Surgeon.
The DM directed the concerned DDOs to release the salary of these doctors only for the days they have performed their duty.