Army retaliates with surprise effect

Call it a replica of surgical strikes or a major retaliatory action of the year by the Army against series of Pakistani misadventures on the LoC, a major punitive action from this side resulted in causing irreparable damage to Pakistan Army’s Administrative Headquarters in PoK. Thinking that the surgical strikes of September 29, 2016 would teach Pakistan that deep pricks were inevitable while gathering thistles and that would convey to that terror sponsoring country that despite longing for well established peace and ready to walk an extra mile, India could with the same intensity hit, where it hurt the most if push meant a shove. Not only has the “change of guard” in that country maintained the same avowed policy pursued against this country as the previous “governments”, as a matter of article of faith but the same provocations on the borders and unprovoked firing continued intermittently resulting at times, martyrdom of our valiant Jawans .
India had been warning Pakistan that her misadventures were going to be retaliated if it did not feel remorseful and behaved like a peaceful responsible neighbour but Kashmir has been their daydreaming ever since that state was carved out of this country in 1947. Since border violations, ambushing our patrol parties and giving cover to infiltration of terrorists from that side has reached a point where patience of this country is tried and many times tested. It becomes necessary that they lose a jaw for a tooth, in response from our security forces and in rare cases, by our Army too. That speaks for the operation of Oct 29 against them. Since infiltration and intrusions are rampant from the PoK, Hajra town located nearly nine kilometres from LoC inside Pakistan occupied Kashmir, saw Pakistan Army’s Headquarters intensely damaged and number of Pakistani troopers also killed.
This punitive action could have been averted by Pakistan had it not dared to launch two attacks one after the other, on Indian Defence installations including Infantry Brigade Headquarters in Poonch town and an army camp at Jhallas in the same district on Oct 23 in which a shelter place of the Army was burnt. Long range heavy calibre weapons including artillery pounded their vital installation, that of Administrative Headquarters. As Pakistan has all along been operating the mill of rumours as also spreading lies , people are misled and misinformed by the Pakistani army establishment and the pawned media who do not highlight the absolute penury of the people of the PoK. People from that occupied part of Kashmir see, hear and read about the unprecedented progress made by this side of Kashmir in comparison, like in status of living, per capita income and consumption levels, education, infrastructure, housing , medical facilities etc while Pakistan keeps them drugged with falsification, hate India and extremist rhetoric .
On the contrary, deprivation and absolute penury of the people of the PoK suits the Pakistan Army who use the poor but highly brain washed youth as their cannon fodder on the border which can best be termed as cowardly and unprofessional modus operandi for any self respecting armed forces in the world. They are conspicuous in their abject brazenness in caring a tuppence about losing face repeatedly in such misadventures along the LoC. Anyway, it is hoped that Pakistan bids adieu to bogey of nuclear threats and instead takes pains to make some amends in their brand of democracy which is a facade and rid the “elected” Government of the clutches of Pakistan Army and other extremist and terror groups.