Ceasefire violation along LoC

B L Saraf
The recent cross L OC firing incident in the Mendhar sector, naturally, evoked strong feelings among the political and government circles in the country . Public too felt outraged. Passions ran high. It is, therefore, reassuring that top military commanders of India and Pakistan have agreed to exercise restraint and observe cease fire strictly along the L O C . The situation which led to the barbaric death of two Indian soldiers by Pak troops had become ugly, with a potential to turn extremely bloody. It needed to be controlled in the inertest of both countries. Peace loving people on the both sides of divide prayed for calm and tranquilly. Their prayers seem to have been granted for the moment. But how long? We wish there is a definite answer to it !
Indo – Pak relations imitate a patient suffering from the Typhoid disease , who after a prolonged medication feels better as the fever subsides. Then there is a sudden relapse and the temperature rises again requiring further medication. The relations are fault prone and quite unpredictable . So, a permanent remedy is called for. It is not the violation of ceases fire, per se, which should worry us . The trouble goes much beyond. Serious tremors are felt generally in the whole mainland, particularly so in the J& K State , where peace has always been very fragile and a delicate commodity. Reasons are not far to seek .Therefore, it is imperative that peace holds on along the Line. Though long term measures continue to elude us yet some steps,as a short time measure, could be taken . There is a need for a periodic cease fire review.
For India, there are many reasons for peace to hold on along the LOC. As indeed there are for Pakistan. It will allow the country to deflect the international gaze away from Kashmir , besides having time to build relations with Pak people – if not with the Pak establishment. Last ten years cease fire has been a good experience which yielded tangible results in the State and made life easier for the people living alongside the Line. It is equally important for the State that there is peace for variety of reasons. The first causality of the cease fire violation has been the cross LOC trade and travel which benefits both. No wonder traders and citizenry of Poonch district are feeling the pinch; so they are crying for a calm .At an incalculable cost, a semblance of peace has returned to the Valley. Previous two years have brought some solace to the beleaguered people. The gains of peace have to be consolidated in the interest of all stake holders. Trouble in any part of the State will seriously hamper return to and rehabilitation of the displaced persons in the Valley. Besides, ugly heads will rear once again.
There is a significant section in the Pak establishment which does not want peace in Kashmir. Some among the Pak Army support this section and has actively aligned with the militant elements. Likewise , one particular section in the Kashmir society is permanently irreconcilable to the peaceful conditions in the Valley. Both want to keep the pot boiling. As the local support to the armed militancy has depleted and very few locals are showing inclination to take to the arms , fresh resources of men and material need to be pumped in from across the cease fire line. The strategic experts tellus, to ensure that, Pak army has aninterest in creating occasional skirmishes at the cease fire line. A clear method is, therefore, discernable in the madness we have witnessed lately along the LOC. Others in the Pak establishment see an opportunity coming their way on the exit of American forces from Afghanistan, scheduled to happen in 2014 . Preparationstowards the end are afoot there. Accordingly , a new militant surge is seen on the other side of the cease fire line to foment trouble in the State. GOI will have to make allowance for the eventuality. That notwithstanding, peace constituencies are growing in both parts of J & K. As it is happening in India and Pakistan . For India it is , therefore , necessary to see that the nexus between Pak Army and the extremist elements is broken . To ensure that Peace constituency in Pakistan , though small but effective, must be strengthened. Fortunately, good number of Kashmiris have taken to peace and want permanent cessation of the hostilities . Kashmir Civil Society is a front runner for the peace. Their efforts also need to be strengthened.
It is good to note that after an appropriate response of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the emerged situation rationality has returned to rule the Indo – Pak relations. There is no alternative to peace .
(The author is former Pr. District & Sessions Judge)