
Friday Nov 09-2018

Aries : Today, the stars put you on high alert… and not for nothing. You will save yourself from being swindled. Though you will easily manage to stay ahead of others, you may make a few enemies on your way. It’s not a good day if you’re looking to buy a house or vehicle, says Ganesha.

Taurus : This day your mind is likely to be blissfully drawn towards your personal friends and family members. Your warm and intimate relationships will stay uppermost in your mind and fill the day, not leaving room for anything else. Hanging out together with them will give you immense pleasure and contentment. You are not likely to spare any thought for responsibilities and duties. You’ll simply love to see your near and dear ones in high and happy spirits.

Gemini : You will be surrounded by conflicts today. However, you will come to realise within a short while the solutions required to troubleshoot your way out of your difficult circumstances. You will desire solitude and peace so much so that you will not find even your family members welcome company, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Your way of talk today will be such that it can cause misunderstanding. In a fit of emotion, you will take a hasty decision. You will regret the same in future, but you will also get a chance to rectify the same. So, says Ganesha, do not take a any ad hoc or temporary decision but a firm decision.

Leo : You need to keep your temper in check and guard against being aggressive today. You need to channelise your energies towards some productive pursuits, otherwise you may make someone the target of your anger. The good thing about the day is you will make satisfactory progress on work related issues.

Virgo : Ganesha advises you to keep your distance from partnership ventures. You are much better off all alone and have the ability to quell the stampede. Left to yourself, you are the best manager of your sphere of work. Ganesha says today you will garner the support of people by uniting them under you for achieving greater success.

Libra : Ever heard of the phrase, ‘To stick one’s foot in one’s mouth’? Well, today you might be doing exactly the same, albeit unwittingly. You are likely to invite trouble, especially if some of those heated discussions get out of hand. A legal dispute does not seem unlikely. One can always get an out-of-court settlement, but why go through all that? Just remember to be cautious today in all that you do or say, hints Ganesha.

Scorpio : Keep your eyes and ears open and believe in only what you see. Remember, believing in rumours may lead to ugly situations. Your efforts to be different and stand out would pay off well, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : The day begins on a bright note and you decide to flaunt your sunny side up, foresees Ganesha. At home front, sharing of work with your partner will keep the home atmosphere peaceful and harmonious. Both of you discover a joy is cleaning and cooking together. A perfect recipe for love!

Capricorn : The day calls for making amends and undoing the damage done to relationships, so you will most likely focus on improving rapport with relatives and peers, says Ganesha. But despite your affable approach, family feud may occur. Keeping obnoxious neighbours at bay will save you some trouble.

Aquarius : You are a strong-willed person, and during the toughest of times you remain focused. A constant smile on your face and positive attitude will help you win the hearts and minds of people at work as well as at home. Such a feeling of contentment and happiness motivate you to do your best. Keep spreading the joy, says Ganesha.

Pisces : You will bump into an old friend or a distant relative today. This rendezvous may be with a person who you were close to long ago and it will warm your heart with nostalgia. You might contemplate taking a break from your daily grind to spend sometime to rekindle your childhood memories or visit your hometown. Don’t let the nostalgia overwhelm you as it may make you ignore the tasks at hand and cost you heavily, suggests Ganesha.