NDMA nod to under ground cabling in vulnerable areas, emergency installations

Rs 100 cr worth proposal approved for J&K

By Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, May 4: In a major decision aimed at         curbing prolonged power cuts in Kashmir during winter and Jammu during summer, like the one witnessed in most parts of the Valley this winter, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has given a nod for under ground cabling in major affected areas at an estimated cost of Rs 100 crore.
The NDMA meeting held today in New Delhi and attended by top brass of the Authority, Union Power Ministry and officials of Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department took a decision to this effect.
In addition to vulnerable areas, the emergency installations like Government hospitals, telephone stations, water supply schemes, administrative nerve system like Civil Secretariat, mobile towers and mobile sub stations would also be covered by under ground cabling system.
Official sources told the Excelsior that the NDMA took up power related problems of Jammu and Kashmir and some coastal areas falling in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Chennai etc, which had been witnessing sudden and prolonged power cuts due to natural calamities like windstorm, snowfall, heavy rains and excessive heat.
In January this year, various areas of the Kashmir Valley had faced power cuts for several days as electricity poles and wires were buried under heavy snowfall. The PDD had to face a tough task to restore power supply in some of the areas.
Sources said the PDD today projected demand before the NDMA of the areas, which were vulnerable to lengthy power cuts in the Kashmir Valley during winter and Jammu region during summer.
After hectic deliberations, the NDMA and PDD officials from J&K, who were led by Principal Secretary, Power Sudhanshu Pandey and Development Commissioner (Power) Manzoor Ahmad Salroo, a proposal was mooted for laying under ground cabling in most affected areas of the two regions to ensure that heavy snowfall or excessive heat didn’t lead to prolonged cuts and power supply was maintained even during worst adverse weather conditions.
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, who holds portfolio of Power Department, had deputed top brass of the PDD to take up the issue of prolonged power cuts with the NDMA and find out a permanent solution to it. It was on the directions of the Chief Minister that the PDD bureaucrats worked out the proposal and presented it to the NDMA, which gave its nod.
In addition to worst affected areas, the under ground cabling has also been mooted for life line support systems like Government hospitals, water supply points, telephone exchanges, mobile towers and administration’s nerve system like Civil Secretariat, the seat of the Government.
The under ground cabling would provide uninterrupted power supply to all sensitive areas besides the villages and towns, which could be worst hit by the weather conditions, sources said.
The cost of power supply through under ground cabling to some areas and emergency installations has been worked out at Rs 100 crore initially. The cost could go up later, sources said, adding that NDMA Member, Nand Lal, who attended today’s meeting has, in principle, given his nod to the proposal and decided to forward it to the Planning Commission of India for funding.
According to sources, the State Government after a lot of consultations had mooted various proposals including under ground cabling system for emergency installations and the areas, which received heavy snowfall leading to disruption of power and water supply for days together during adverse weather conditions.
While during heavy snowfall in winter, the electricity poles and wires were buried under the snow disrupting power supply in many areas including hospitals, telephone exchanges and Government offices, in summer excessive loading led to burning or damage to power transformers in some areas of Jammu leading to prolonged cuts.
Sources said the under ground cabling system was worked out to be the only option and viable system to provide uninterrupted power supply to vulnerable areas and emergency installations. The uninterrupted power supply, even during adverse weather, would automatically lead to continuous water supply and running of mobile telephones etc.
According to sources, the State Government was ready to contribute its share in Rs 100 crore proposal for funding under ground cabling in some areas of the State. This has been conveyed to the NDMA and would be made known to the Planning Commission when the proposal was taken before it.
The J&K Government officials projected before the NDMA the problems faced by the people during heavy snowfall in the Valley and heat in plains of Jammu crippling power system for several days. They pointed out that during this winter, many parts of the Valley remained dark for several days as electricity poles and wires were buried under snow.
Sources said the NDMA approved the State Government proposal and finally decided to send it to the Planning Commission for funding.
The grant of Rs 100 crore for under ground cabling would be in addition to the annual plan, Prime Minister’s Re-construction Plan (PMRP) and other Centrally Sponsored Schemes, which the State would be getting from the Planning Commission, they added.