Death of a dream

Refer to the recent disconsolate news of utterly odious murder of a man on the day of his daughter’s marriage has brought me into tears. The monstrosity of such magnitude is inconsolable and the perpetrators deserve the rigorous exemplary punishment. The sad part is that the disaster could have been averted had the police been informed on time by the staff on duty at the bar or in the banquet hall. Before committing the outrageous act, the criminal in arbitration had created mayhem openly and the bystanders as well as the onlookers did not bother to alert the police on time, thus resulting in the untimely loss of a precious life. Moreover, taverns adjoining banquets or any other place of celebrations should have their own effective security arrangements, owing to the risk of alcohol related violence. Jammu is a very peaceful city and the rarity of such heinous crime is relatively very low as compared to other parts of the country. It is a wakeup call for all law abiding citizens, social groups and law enforcement agencies to take notice to deter such horrendous acts of goondaism like the senseless murder of a father who was otherwise busy in making his daughter’s dreams come true.
Dr Vikas Jamwal
(Kamdhenu Homz) Jammu.


A few years ago, the administration warned the owners of the marriage halls against their negligence for providing parking space to people. Until today most of them have been running the marriage halls the same way as their owners wish. How they are continuing with the same, administration knows well. Recently, a very unpleasant and shocking incident took place in the premises of a marriage hall where the marriage celebrations were on and a daughter who was going to be married lost her father who was murdered. The marriage hall has bar in its premises. How the State Administration has given license to the owner for running a bar in the premises of the marriage hall is really a matter of concern? The marriage hall is a public place. One cannot run a bar in it. And, if someone runs, then it does not remain a marriage hall. It is the gross violation, not on the part of the owner only but the main culprit is Administration itself. The matter should be thoroughly investigated who has given the license to the owner to run the bar.
Sunil Sharma
Sainik Colony, Jammu