Mehbooba, Omar condemn killings of civilians in Kashmir

SRINAGAR:  Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti Sunday termed the killing of civilians in Pulwama and Shopian as “barbaric and bestial”, saying the people of the state in unison must save youngsters from “such catastrophe”.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) president made the remarks while interacting with her party functionaries from Wachi and Pulwama.

“Words are not enough to condemn the killing of teenagers and such acts of brutality have no place in Kashmir which in the entire world for centuries is known for its generosity and kindness and has been an abode of revered Sufis and saints,” Mehbooba said.

Nadeem Manzoor, a resident of Safanagri area of Shopian, was abducted and killed on Thursday night, while another civilian was abducted and his throat-slit body was found Saturday.

Mehbooba said the killings were “barbaric and bestial” and the people of the state, in unison, must save youngsters from such catastrophe.

“No religion on earth permits any person or a group to commit such heinous and sadistic acts and terrify the peace loving people. We as a society need to rise above party affiliations to save youngsters from becoming victims of the unending cycle of violence. Our heart goes out to the families at this hour of irreparable loss. The entire state is in shock due to such an unfortunate incident,” she said.

The act was also condemned by National Conference (NC) vice-president Omar Abdullah who said such “barbarism” had no place in the society.

“Another dastardly killing of a young man, this time the terrorists slit his throat. This barbarism has no place in our society & no struggle, no matter how lofty the claims to justify it, can condone this inhuman behaviour,” Omar wrote on Twitter.

The cold blooded murder of an 11th standard student by the Hizbul Mujahideen terror outfit is deeply disturbing. There can be no justification for this act & should force those who sympathise with these outfits to question how these murders make Kashmir a better, freer place,” he said. (AGENCIES)