Govt disbands clinical units set up in violation of MCI

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Jan 22: Government has issued orders for disbanding of those clinical units/sub-units in the Government Medical Colleges and its Associated Hospitals and Government Dental Colleges of the State which are being run in violation of Medical Council of India and Dental Council of India norms.
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that soon after coming to know that several clinical units and sub-units in the Medical and Dental Colleges have been set-up in utter disregard to the MCI and DCI norms with the sole intention to ensure comfort of the faculty members, Minister for Medical Education, Taj Mohi-ud-Din personally analyzed the Medical Council and Dental Council of India norms and the practice prevalent in the Medical Colleges and Associated Hospitals and Dental Colleges of the State.
Finding that several Heads of Departments have set up clinical units and sub-units in violation of MCI and DCI norms, the Minister immediately passed orders for disbanding of all such units and sub-units and on his directions Commissioner Secretary, Health and Medical Education Department M K Dwivedi yesterday issued orders in this regard.
“The clinical unit/sub-unit being run in disregard to MCI/DCI norms by any Head of Department are disbanded forthwith”, the order No.51-HME of 2013 said, adding “the Heads of Departments in consultation with concerned Principals of Government Medical Colleges and its Associated Hospitals and Government Dental Colleges of the State shall ensure strict implementation of the MCI and DCI norms while framing duty rosters in respect of their departments”.
It is pertinent to mention here that under the MCI and DCI norms bed-strength and faculty position has been clearly defined for setting up of units.
When contacted, Minister for Medical Education said, “sub-unit culture is prevalent in many departments in the Medical and Dental Colleges of the State and this is in no way beneficial for the patients”, adding “because of large number of units doctors in one unit are available in the Out Patient Department (OPD) only once in a week and in this way the patients have to wait for one week to get re-examined from the same doctor”.
In response to a question, Mr Taj said, “the disbanding of units and sub-units is not aimed at putting doctors to some sort of inconvenience or harassment. This is a step towards reforms and would be of immense help for the patients”, adding “the motive behind setting up of units and sub-units in violation of MCI norms was directly or indirectly also associated with promoting the names of doctors and subsequently take benefit in the private practice”.
Meanwhile, on the directions of the Minister, Administrator Medical College got the batch wise samples of drugs lifted from the Medical Stores of GMC and Associated Hospitals and sent the same to Government of India recognized laboratory for checking their potency. The Minister, who is planning to overhaul the entire system of purchase of drugs, would take decision on future action on the receipt of report of lifted samples, sources said.
Similar samples would also be lifted from other hospitals under the Medical Colleges.