NC’s creation itself was unholy, communal: BJP

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 23: BJP State Spokesman Brig (retd) Anil Gupta while turning tables on National Conference (NC) today said formation of Muslim Conference in 1931 by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was unholy and aimed at arousing Kashmiri Muslims against Hindus and creating a rift between the Kashmiris and Dogras.
In a statement issued here, he said the uprising of 1931 was not only against the Dogra ruler but was also aimed at terrorising the Kashmiri Pandits as is evident from the atrocities committed against the community at that time. The subsequent change of nomenclature from Muslim Conference to National Conference was merely cosmetic since the party did not shed its ideology of “exclusivity”. “Ever since its birth NC has followed the policy of ‘promoting Muslim precedence’ and supported ethnic exclusion by using Muslim majority character of Kashmir to suppress other communities and keep it isolated from rest of India thus encouraging separatism”, stated Brig Gupta.
The “Quit Kashmir” movement was a purely communal movement aimed at ousting the Dogra ruler and forcing Dogras to leave Kashmir. The tallest leader of NC, Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah was arrested under the orders of his friend cum mentor Jawahar Lal Nehru on the charges of secession in 1953. After his arrest Plebiscite Front had kept the secessionist sentiments alive in Kashmir. Apart from exposing post-1947 Kashmiris to the separatist ideology it could not achieve much. “Farooq Abdullah, the heir of Sheikh, migrated to United Kingdom. He during his decade long sojourn in London worked as an activist of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), an anti-India separatist organisation. He actively campaigned for the cause of so-called liberation of Kashmir by administering to others the oath of allegiance and dedication to the cause”, claimed Brig Gupta.
Unable to stay without power, Sheikh bargained his return through the infamous 1975 Indira-Sheikh Accord. He dumped the Plebiscite Front and revived National Conference once again betraying the faith of Kashmiris. In fact, the history of NC is full of betrayal, false promises and U-turns to remain in power at any cost, he added.
“In the 1983 assembly elections Farooq Abdullah and his party sought support of all anti-national and secessionist organisations operating in the Valley namely Kashmir Liberation Front, Jamat-e-Tulba, People’s League and Mahaz-e-Azadi and aligned with pro Pak Awami Action Committee. NC sought the support of these organisations on the plea that the ensuing elections were to be treated as a fight between all Kashmiris on the one hand and India as a sovereign country on the other. The result of the election for the first time created political polarisation of votes on communal lines.
Brig Gupta while justifying BJP leaders statements against NC said what can be expected from a political party whose one of the senior leaders who has held a Constitutional post in the State raised pro-Pak slogans on the floor of Legislature Assembly last year.