India asks Pak to give up double standards, bring 26/11 perpetrators to justice

NEW DELHI: On the 10th anniversary of 26/11 Mumbai terror strikes, India on Monday once again asked Pakistan to give up “double standards” and expeditiously bring the perpetrators of the horrific attack to justice.

The External Affairs Ministry said Islamabad has been showing “little sincerity” in punishing those involved in the terror attack and its planners are still roaming the streets of Pakistan with “impunity”.

It noted that a former prime minister of Pakistan had earlier this year admitted that the terrorists were sent from Pakistan’s soil, a reference to Nawaz Sharif’s remarks on the issue.

“We once again call on the Government of Pakistan to give up double standards and to expeditiously bring the perpetrators of the horrific attack to justice,” the MEA said.

“This is not just a matter of Pakistan’s accountability to the families of the innocent victims who fell to terrorists, but also an international obligation,” it said. (AGENCIES)