Teaser 2 of “Kashmir, The Final Resolution” movie launched

Actor Yuvraj Kumar with Bollywood actress Rippy Koul addressing a press conference in Srinagar on Monday. -Excelsior/Shakeel
Actor Yuvraj Kumar with Bollywood actress Rippy Koul addressing a press conference in Srinagar on Monday. -Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Nov 26: The second teaser of a feature film titled “Kashmir, The Final Resolution” which was shot mostly in the Valley was launched here today.
“Kashmir, The Final Resolution” is a feature film which revisits the history of Kashmir, it analyses the conflicts of the past because of which Kashmir today is the Nuclear flash-point of the world. The film stars Yuvraj Kumar and Rippy Koul in lead roles.
Director and Actor Yuvraj Kumar and screenplay writer Sonal Sher did an intense research on the Kashmir issue and has come up with a practical resolution to the Kashmir problem.
While speaking on the occasion, Kumar said the movie was shot mostly in the Valley and about 75 percent of the artists are from the Valley. “The film’s motive is to provide a practical solution to the problem in Kashmir and to propagate Kashmiriyat. About 65 percent of the movie is complete. It is produced by Atlantic Films and will be released in Cinemas worldwide in 2019,” he said
In the film, Rippy Koul a Kashmiri Pandit actress plays the role of an activist who propagates and revives the beautiful, pluralistic concept of Kashmiriyat in the film.
Koul said she is very excited to work as a lead role in the movie and the character is very close to her. “I live in USA and flew straight to the Valley for the Movie. It is my first project and I am very excited. I am myself a Kashmiri Pandit and the role is very close to me. Everybody including my family, relatives and friends were affected by the problems in Kashmir and I have myself seen things very closely when I was a kid. So, I know how painful it was and I am very happy to be part of this project”, she said.
She said people have a different perspective regarding Kashmir and it is better to present the reality before them through movies as movies are the best medium that reaches the masses. “I am hopeful that this movie will be able to present the real Kashmir before the people,” she added.