Govt orders probe into JKPCC affairs

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 29: The Governor’s Administration today constituted a high powered Fact Finding Committee to look into the affairs of the Jammu and Kashmir Project Construction Corporation (JKPCC), with regard to awarding contracts without following proper tendering procedures, cost overrun of projects, diversion of funds and irregularities in the appointments including that of Managing Director.
Principal Secretary to the Government, Planning, Development and Monitoring Department Rohit Kansal has been appointed as the Chairman of the Committee while Divisional Commissioner, Jammu Sanjeev Verma and Commissioner / Secretary to the Revenue Department Anajatullah are the members. Managing Director of the JKPCC Ltd has been appointed as the Member Secretary of the committee.
Official sources said that the Committee may co-opt any officer/ expert in its deliberations. The panel has been asked to submit its report by December 26, 2018.
The sources said that the Committee was framed after the Governor’s Administration came to know about the state of affairs in the JKPCC, delay in completion of many projects, cost over run of projects in majority of the cases, back door appointments and the manner in which the contracts are allotted.
A GAD official said that the Fact Finding Committee has been mandated to look into the manner of awarding contracts often on nomination basis, without following transparent tendering procedures; diversion of funds from one project to another leading to a large number of incomplete projects whose funds have been received but diverted elsewhere.
The Panel will also hold probe into irregularities in appointments at various levels including that of Managing Director in the JKPCC Ltd; inefficiency in functioning and huge time and cost over runs in project implementation and reasons of estimates for construction by JKPCCC being much higher than those of PWD. A three weeks time has been given to the Committee to submit its report by fixing responsibility on the concerned officials.