Kalam for India-US-Israel task force to fight terror

NEW DELHI, Jan 25:
India can adopt ‘never forget and never forgive’ attitude of the US and Israel in tracking terrorists, former President A P J Abdul Kalam has said, suggesting that the three countries come together with an integrated taskforce to defeat their threats.
Kalam said the experience of the US and Israel in cooperating with each other on real time basis in countering threats from terror groups has helped in saving the lives of their people.
“The attacks are well coordinated and never end before the threat is completely eliminated, however, long it takes and whatever it takes. Very often the attacks were performed on targets located in unfriendly foreign soil and successfully.
“Never forget and never forgive! India can learn lesson out of their experiences and introduce technologies in tools for focused networked operations,” Kalam said last evening while delivering the seventh R N Kao lecture organised by the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).
“It is advisable for democratic countries of the USA, Israel and India to come together with an integrated task force to effectively defeat the threats of the terrorists,” he said.
Kao was the founder head of the RAW and headed the agency responsible for gathering external intelligence from 1969 to 1977.
Kalam also favoured setting up of an Indian Intelligence Service through a common recruitment scheme to develop a pool of manpower with recruitment of personnel from special forces for frontline operation.
Kalam said, “Accountability of intelligence agencies has to be clearly defined under one leadership. Information technology and the networked enterprise solutions could be leveraged to develop the integrated view of all the data by every one on a need to know basis irrespective of who owns the data,” he said.
Favouring radical realigning of intelligence agencies in the country, the former President said, “Intelligence agencies must practise a proactive approach and not a reactive approach.”
Supporting his theory for a radical change in attitude for covert actions and penetration, Kalam said technology driven covert operations are becoming the order of the day and inflicting collateral damages through critical Information Infrastructure is threatening to change the conventional wisdom in warfare.
“Elimination of source of terrorism and other anti national activities origin and crippling their ability to use technology for communication,” he said.
Referring to the danger of cyber war, Kalam, who was involved in many scientific assignments of the Government, called for raising up an army of ethical hackers who are ready to attack or defend as needed.
He made two suggestions for countering cyber security threat — one is technology upgrade and second investment in education in cyber security.
On technology upgrade in cyber security, he said an empowered coordinating agency and government policy are critical to success.
“A single national agency is required, which must receive information about all attacks. We cannot fight these attacks alone – information sharing is critical.
“Intelligence agencies must continuously upgrade their technical capabilities – be it signal intelligence, communications intelligence and interception capability, monitoring, information sharing mechanisms and creation of databases of security,” he said.
Kalam also stressed on the need for calling in professionals – scientists, computer software and hardware experts – to impart latest skills in computer hacking, cyber warfare. (PTI)