Enggs’ deputation calls on Advisor

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 5: The Forum of Engineers from different wings including Electrical, Civil and Mechanical called on Governor’s Advisor- KK Sharma and projected their demands here today.
The deputation led by Sachin Tickoo, convener of the Forum and other members of the Technical staff of PDD projected their burning issues and sought the intervention of the Advisor. They pointed out that successive pay commissions degraded the grade of junior engineers instead of coming out with the assured career progression scheme for this cadre. It created further anomalies which have been pending for mere clarifications since last 9 years with the Finance Department. They demanded to remove existing stagnation in the cadre.
Tickoo pointed out that JEs are given FTA to the tune of just Rs 30 per month which is mockery. This amount should be hiked to at least Rs 3000, if not Rs 5000 per month. He also demanded two and half days additional salary for the field staff/ engineers, regularization of temporary staff at all levels, implement High Court order with respect to SRO-149 and also ensure regularisation of PDL/TDL employees under SRO-381 instead of SRO-520.