Mirwaiz urges for CBMs to solve Kashmir issue

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Jan 25: Chairman moderate faction of Hurriyat Conference, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq today stressed upon the Government of India to take confidence building measures and said that this would lead to the resolution of Kashmir issue.
Addressing the Friday congregation at Jamia Masjid here, Mirwaiz said that special powers being enjoyed by the security forces under Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) need to be revoked at the earliest. He said process of demilitarization should be taken up by the Government of India at the earliest so that an atmosphere of trust is built up in the State.
Mirwaiz said that bonhomie and friendship between India and Pakistan is very much dependent on the conducive situation in Jammu and Kashmir. He said Governments of India and Pakistan should change their attitude towards the Kashmir issue so that there is an end to the suffering and miseries of the people.
“It is an irony that on one hand Justice Verma Commission has recommended revoking black laws like AFSPA, while as on the other hand Government of India was defending its implementation thereby openly violating the basic norms of humanity and human rights of the people,” said Mirwaiz.
He said that the political rights of Kashmiris are being usurped and alleged that the voices and aspirations of the people of Kashmir are being suppressed. He appealed the civil society of India to play a positive role and influence upon the Union Government to concede the genuine demands of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
“Cosmetic measures cannot help in building peace in the state and for this it is important that long lasting measures are taken. This has to be kept in mind while traversing on the process aiming to resolve the Kashmir issue. Both the state and non-state actors have an important role to play in this regard otherwise there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel,” said Mirwaiz.