Divisional status to Ladakh

It is a matter of great satisfaction, indeed, for the people of the State , in particular the citizens living in Ladakh renowned for its mountain beauty and rich culture but having problems, peculiar and central on account of geographical reasons, that the Governor’s administration is contemplating to accord divisional status to this region of Jammu and Kashmir. The problems faced by this region being cold desert region, which though addressed from time to time, have yet remained incongruent to their extent and the nature. If it is said that the said problems have been nothing short of sufferings for the people of Ladakh, it will not be any sort of an over statement or an amplification. However, formal orders to this effect are expected to be issued shortly.
It may be recalled that there had been a demand persistently raised for the last many years by the elected representatives of Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Councils of Leh and Kargil for according divisional status for this region which now has been principally conceded. A few days back, the General House of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Leh unanimously passed a resolution to this effect besides highlighting other “burning issues”. A few representatives led by Chief Executive Councillor Jamyang Tsering Namgial met the Governor a few days back as also the Advisors to the Governor as also the Chief Secretary and a consensus is reported to have emerged in the top hierarchy of the State administration in conceding the just and genuine demand hence according the divisional status to Ladakh.
With this unprecedented step of the sorts, depicting the administrative will and the capabilities of taking critical but most desirable decisions, the people shall have now not to travel long and tedious journey to reach summer and winter capitals respectively to resolve their routine day to day problems as with this step the administration shall deemed to be reaching the people over there right in their places. They shall really feel hassles free resolution of their problems and see the pace of economic development getting accelerated. Delays and red-tape (ism) coupled with feebly and effetely taken decisions are an antidote to the process of development which this much desired decision by the State Government under Governor’s rule shall pre-empt. In fact it is the second major decision with far reaching positive and developmental results taken by the Governor within less than three weeks after deciding some major reforms in the functioning and the status of the Jammu and Kashmir Bank Limited which is now, for all intents and purposes, a Public Sector Undertaking.
This decision to accord the divisional status to this part of the State will remove a sort of disappointment in the people living there and a feeling of not being adequately heard, often leading to disillusionment with the system, to call a spade a spade.
The existing administrative set up in Ladakh will not only get a real ” facelift” but with appointing a separate Divisional Commissioner for the Region, there would now be separate Directorates and Heads of around 40 Departments too working in tandem to let the people taste , for the first time, real hassles free routine works resolved besides saving a great deal of time, money and efforts in travelling to Srinagar for getting issues resolved.