National High School Karan Nagar, Srinagar

Known over decades for its excellent contribution towards imparting education to a good number of students every year and carrying a rich legacy coupled with an ideal location, this School is presently repaying through its nose for a “humane” gesture of providing shelter to as many as four Schools in the city on account of the devastating floods of 2014. The gesture has been repaid in the form of those Schools not reverting to their earlier positions as they are not rehabilitated.
National High School, it may be recalled, was a private School vying with other private Schools in the city in showing attractive results and gradations by its students especially in annual Board examinations. However, this School was taken over by the State Government and merged with Government High School Zaindar Mohalla.
The building otherwise, hardly coping up with its own requirements is housing Middle School Chota Bazar, High School Zaindar Mohalla, Middle School Tankipora and Middle School Chinkral Mohalla all “run” by the State Government. As many as four years are not “sufficient” by its own set benchmarks; the State Government could not rehabilitate one School each year which would have resolved the issue by now. The result is that not only are those four additional Schools “sheltered” in the building not doing well but the National School too is struggling to carry on with its routine running of the School. There are other issues too faced by the School in respect of some staff members vis-a-vis the State Government following the takeover. There appears to be no serious thinking on the issue by the Government under the plea “enough space” with the National School.