HR groups should take cognizance of KPs’ displacement: Raina

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 9: On the eve of Human Rights (HR) Week All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference (ASKPC) here today held a meeting of its members and activists.
The HR Week is being observed from Dec 10 to 16.
Speaking on the occasion, ASKPC President, Ravinder Raina highlighted the scope of Human Rights and their potential to bring a positive change in society.
He talked on Human Rights and their role and importance in ameliorating the problems of Kashmiri Pandit (KP) community.
He said: “Entire KP community was hounded out of valley by extremists and fascists in 1990 and since then this community is languishing outside its homeland.” Lamenting the role of Human Rights agencies and United Nations in turning a blind eye towards this grave Human Rights violation, Raina said that it is time when these Human Right groups take immediate cognizance of displacement of KPs.
Speaking on the occasion, General Secretary, Dr T.K Bhat said, “Human Rights declaration is a universal declaration and all member countries have a legal, moral and ethical binding to uphold and implement the tenants and guidelines of Human Rights floated by United Nations.”