Female multipurpose workers hold protest, demand pending salaries

Female multipurpose health workers during a protest demonstration in Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel
Female multipurpose health workers during a protest demonstration in Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Dec 11: The Female Multipurpose Health Workers (FMPHW) held a protest demonstration today at Press Enclave here against pending salaries since last five months.
The female workers assembled at Press Enclave and raised slogans against non-payment of their salaries which they claim is pending since the last five months.
The protesting workers said that they are at the verge of starvation and the education of their children is also getting affected as they are unable to pay fees and bear other expenses of their children.
They said due to the non-disbursement of their salaries, they have to face immense hardships economically as well as psychologically and it has affected their work as well.
“We were assured by the Advisor of the Governor that our salaries will be released on monthly basis but the assurances proved to be hoax again as our salaries are pending since five months. We are working on the ground level but every time our salaries are being held,” a female protester said.
The protesters threatened that if their salaries are not released they will be forced to wind up their work and come on roads.
They appealed to the authorities to release their pending salaries at the earliest so that they do not have to face any hardships further.