JMC team led by Dy Mayor conducts surprise checking

JMC team checking the market at Jammu on Tuesday.
JMC team checking the market at Jammu on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 11: Under the supervision of Deputy Mayor JMC, Purnima Sharma, Health Officer, Dr. Saleem Khan and Municipal Veterinary Officer, Dr. Zaffar Iqbal along with other team members conducted a surprise drive in different areas of Jammu City to ensure the sale of wholesome and good quality mutton and mutton byproducts to the consumers. The surprise drive started from Gujjar Nagar, CPO Chowk Panjirthi, Newplot, Janipur, Bantalab, etc.
During the drive, various mutton shops were checked and about 50 kg of substandard mutton was seized and later on disposed off properly along with a fine to the tune of Rs.6000/- was also levied from mutton sellers selling unstamped meat.
Deputy Mayor has appealed to all the shopkeepers dealing with meat/chicken products to maintain hygienic environment in and around their shops and make availability of good quality meat to the consumers. She also appealed to install the black/red colour glasses in their shops and not to hang the meat outside the shops. Such surprised drives will continue in near future as well to ensure that the consumers can get healthy, wholesome and diseased free meat at any cost.