Cross-LoC bus resumes, overstaying civilians cleared

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Jan 28: Cross-LoC bus service between Poonch-Rawlakote route that had been suspended for past two weeks after the killing of two Indian Army soldiers brutally by Pakistan Army personnel at Mankote in Krishna Ghati sector resumed today from both sides with 138 civilians boarding it.
Authorities have cleared all overstaying citizens of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) on this side of divided State by sending them home in today’s bus, official sources said.
Though no civilians from this side left for PoK in today’s bus, 15 guests from other side of the LoC reached Poonch to meet their divided family members and relatives.
Three buses carried 79 PoK citizens from Poonch this morning to Chakan-Da-Bagh, the zero line that divides the State, from where they were driven to Hajeera in Rawlakote province of PoK for their onward destinations.
From PoK, 59 citizens reached Poonch in two buses. They included 44 civilians from this side, who had been stranded in PoK due to suspension of the bus service. Fifteen PoK guests also reached Poonch in the two buses.
The weekly bus service that plied every Monday remained suspended on January 14 and 21 after the killing of two Indian Army soldiers. Cross-LoC trade between two sides had also been suspended on January 10, which would resume tomorrow morning from both the sides.
The trucks have started reaching Trade Facilitation Centre (TFC) near Poonch from where they would leave for Hajeera tomorrow morning. The PoK trucks would reach the TFC, sources said.
Aslam Kayani, Custodian of cross-LoC bus service and trade in PoK and Krishan Lal Meena, GM DIC and counterpart of Kayani on this side were present at Chakan-Da-Bagh today monitoring movement of the civilians.
Today’s buses plied amid tight security arrangements on both sides, sources said but added that the cross-LoC movement after a fortnight was a completely smooth affair.
“With today’s resumption of cross-LoC bus service, all civilians on both sides, who had completed their 42 days stay on either side and were overstaying with one week special extension from the External Affairs Ministries of two sides have reached their homes”, sources said, adding that now no overstaying civilians was left on any side of the divided State.
Worthwhile to mention here that due to suspension of cross-LoC bus, several civilians, who had completed their 42 days long stay, were in trouble for overstaying for no fault of theirs. However, the External Affairs Ministry had extended their stay by one week as special case. Under the permit system between the two countries, a visitor in initially granted 28 days permit to visit divided families and relatives, which can be extended further by 14 days.
Dina son of Makhna, a resident of Darha Dullian, Poonch, who had gone to meet his brother at Kotli in PoK, told reporters on his return in Poonch that his 42 days stay was converted into 50 days due to cancellation of bus service by Foreign Ministry of Pakistan.
“Due to tensions between India and Pakistan, I had regularly been praying for resumption of cross-LoC bus service so that I could come back home. My wish was fulfilled on Saturday when I heard that the bus service would resume on Monday”, he said.
Shamim Akhter daughter of Khurshid Ahmad, a resident of Kawdrian, Mendhar, who had also gone to PoK, said she used to spend her time calling her relatives and friends back home as she felt scared after the suspension of the bus on which she had traveled to Hajeera.
A 22 years old youth, Mushtaq Ahmad of Khanetar, Poonch, who was among the civilians of this side, who returned home in today’s bus, said his 42 days stay was very good but the extended period of stay passed amid tensions.
Afzal Khan, a resident of Kotli, PoK, who has business in Islamabad and had come to meet his brother-in-law Mohammad Taj at Ward No. 8 in Poonch, said he enjoyed his stay on this side but was definitely worried after tensions escalated between India and Pakistan in the wake of killings of two Army jawans.
“I heaved a sigh of relief after being told by my brother-in-law on Saturday that cross-LoC bus would resume on Monday”, he said before boarding the bus on way to Hajeera, Rawlakote.
Afzal Khan and several other PoK citizens returning home were of the view that the cross-LoC bus service should continue to ply every week so that divided families could meet each other.