Anything living, non-living in Srinagar my domain: Dy Mayor

Deputy Mayor addressing a press conference at Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel
Deputy Mayor addressing a press conference at Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel

*Docs protest against misbehavior of Sheikh Imran

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar Dec 19: The doctors at the Chest Diseases Hospital in Srinagar today protested against the “misbehavior” with their colleagues by the Srinagar’s Deputy Mayor, Sheikh Imran, last night.
Carrying placards, the doctors protested against the misbehavior of the Deputy Mayor. They said that his interference in the hospital matters is uncalled for. They said that he used abusive language with the doctors.

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The Deputy Mayor last night visited the hospital and asked a doctor why he was sitting in his room and not attending the patients. He threatened doctors at the hospitals. “I am paying you, my Government is paying you and you are sitting in the room. There are patients dying in New York, try to tell this to a villager. Write it in your explanation. I will bloody fire you, then you go to Court”, he told the doctors at the hospital.
When a doctor tried to explain him that there are 10-15 patients whom he has to take care of and he was writing the file off the patient, Imran shouted at him. “I am not ready to listen to your nonsense and bullshit. I want care for my patients as per your duty. Are you supposed to write it here. Give me in writing”, he asked the doctor.
The doctors expressed strong resentment over “unruly behavior” of Deputy Mayor Srinagar. “It is now routine that different ward members, Panchs, Sarpanchs and now Deputy Mayor are routinely interfering in hospitals to get political millage as our hospitals remain flooded with public”, they said.
Dr Suhail Naik said that the on duty doctor was busy and was filling a referral form of 60 year old female patient who was suffering from mediastinal mass and SVC obstruction. “Such interference is a common phenomenon and we warn them to mind their own work. Rather than interfering in technical issues of medical profession, it was better for him to focus on hospital sanitation, drainage , water supply and electricity”, he said.
“Our  hospitals are working round the clock through every situation and disaster for which we have been appreciated and recognised at the national level and have received awards in health delivery system in tandem”, he said.
Dr Owais H Dar said: “It is not SMC that is paying salary to doctors; we are being paid through the taxes of people and we are working here for the people. This behaviour of any official cannot be accepted under any circumstances”, he said.
They demanded that the Governor, Satya Pal Malik and Advisor for Health and Medical Educations, K Vijay Kumar, should to take strong note and action against the “erring and unruly behavior” of the Deputy Mayor.
Later in the evening the Deputy Mayor while addressing reporters at SMC said that a patient died due to doctors’ negligence at the hospital. He said that it is his responsibility to ensure good health care for his people. He said that the substandard and fake medicines are being sold at the hospitals.
He said that whatever he has done at the hospital, he has done for the good of the people and for their betterment. He said that it is in his domain to check the hospitals and clinics as SMC provides license to them. “Anything living, non-living is our domain. I stand by what I have done, it is my duty”, he said.
Senior JCC leader and President Employees joint Action Committee Ab Qayoom Wani has strongly condemned the “abusive language and misbehavior” of Deputy Mayor.
The Kashmir Economic Alliance President Muhammad Yasin Khan has condemned the “abusive publicity of stunts” of the Deputy Mayor of Srinagar.