BJP concerned over disarming of VDCs

BJP leaders from Kishtwar at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday.
BJP leaders from Kishtwar at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 19: BJP leaders from Kishtwar and newly elected Sarpanch from Sangra Panchyat in Darbshalla block of Inderwal Constituency today showed grave concern over the decision of administration asking the Village Defense Committee (VDC) members who have attained the age of 60 years to deposit their weapon with police.
Addressing a press conference here, today, BJP State Executive Member, Basant Raj, Thakur, newly elected Sarpanch and BJYM , State secretary, Sanjay Parihar and Narinder Kotwal also State Executive member BJP termed it a part of big conspiracy to disband the VDCs in this hilly belt where militants reportedly are re-grouping to foment trouble.
They said the decision will pose a threat to peace in the area and the members of minority community as well as other nationalist people from all communities will feel scared after disarming the VDCs.
Seeking immediate intervention of Governor, Satya Paul Malik they said that VDCs have done a commendable job in the hilly districts of Kishtwar and Ramban and prevented the mass migration of the people especially minorities from the area which was a game plan of Pakistan and separatists.
They said in case Government goes ahead with the decision the situation will deteriorate again and people facing threat will be forced to migrate. They said people especially minorities in the twin districts are already scared after killing of Parihar brothers by the terrorists in Kishtwar town recently and any step taken to disarm VDCs will further aggravate the situation in the entire area.
They demanded in case administration feels that the people after attaining age of 60 years are not in a position to work as VDCs then on their suggestions a young member of their family or in neighborhood be appointed as VDC member for security of the area.
They said even the newly elected Panches and Sarpanches in the hilly belt facing threat have not been provided security by the Government till date and they visit their areas with only hope that VDCs are there to protect them.
They warned that disarming of VDCs will prove suicidal and the authorities should also appoint new VDCs in place of those old members who have already deposited their weapons with the administration and these weapons be provided to new members.