NC befooling people on autonomy: Lone

PC chairman, Sajjad Gani Lone and another senior leader Imran Raza Ansari at a press conference at Jammu on Sunday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
PC chairman, Sajjad Gani Lone and another senior leader Imran Raza Ansari at a press conference at Jammu on Sunday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Dec 23: Making a scathing attack on dynastic parties including National Conference (NC) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) who ruled the State for maximum time since 1947, former Minister and Peoples Conference (PC) chairman, Sajjad Gani Lone today said the two parties have been ousted from the political landscape of the State and rejected by the masses.
Talking to reporters here, the PC chairman said the days of dynastic rule have gone as they have pampered establishment all around over these years. “They (dynastic parties) are now scared of us as PC is emerging an alternative political force in the Valley which is committed to bring a change in the State”, he added.
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Lone, while turning tables on NC leadership who are raking up the boggy of autonomy said though his party is not against the autonomy and wants total decentralization, however, questioned the NC leadership that why the father-son duo did not resign when the autonomy resolution was rejected by NDA Government led by late Atal Behari Vajpayee.
He said the son resigned from Union Council of Ministers not on this ground but in protest that his father was not elected as Vice President of India.
Maintaining that NC has lost its support base in Kashmir, he said had it not been so it would have not depended on deserted ex MLAs of the PDP to save its bandwagon.
He said the two dynastic parties manipulated the political system in the State in such a way that no other leader except their leaders where provided security by the Government. He questioned why not the people outside the two parties were given security though they were also exposed to grave security risk?
Lone, while hitting out at both the parties mocked them of coming closer just for sake of power. “Their coming closer is nothing except a drama for the sake of power”, he added.
Lone said that his party has emerged a political alternative in Kashmir but we will not like to make false promises to mislead the masses of the State as was done by the dynastic parties till date. “We want a change for better but we can’t promise a change overnight. We will try our best to come to expectations of the people but will not deceive them by telling a lie”, he added.
In response to a question about resignation of many PDP leaders and former legislators from the party, Lone said “if any party itself disintegrates what can we do”.
On the political solution to Kashmir problem, Lone made it clear that State Legislator is not a forum where the solution lies. Finding solution to Kashmir issue is beyond J&K Legislator as the provincial Assembly has a limited role to play in this regard, he added.
His party supports constructive engagement but it too is not the alternative to find an everlasting solution to the issue, Lone said and adding Central Government should have a long term strategy for J&K to reach out to people of the State in this regard.
The PC chief said conflict resolution takes decades together and life of the Assembly is only six years.
He outrightly rejected that any fruitful steps were taken during UPA rule in finding a solution to the issue and said what fun the Round Table Conferences yielded when their recommendations were not implemented.
He also criticized the NC for scuttling and sabotaging the dialogue process while citing its role in 2002 when some separatists were brought for dialogue to Srinagar.
Tracing the genesis of the prevailing crisis of Kashmir in 1987 elections which were rigged, he said had this not been done, lakhs of people would have not been killed during three decades long turmoil.
The rigging of elections has shifted a historical population to violence which is a disease that engulfed the Valley in 1987. No body asks them that why they rigged the elections and murdered the democracy in the State, he added.
Lone said that his party will contest all six Lok Sabha seats in the State. He did not make any comment on the coming Lok Sabha elections whether BJP makes a come back or not saying it is premature to make any comment as yet.
In response to another question that NC has said that if it comes to power it will halt Operation All Out, Lone said that he does not know what is ‘Operation All Out’ for but said ask NC about 2002 and 2010.
Earlier addressing the media persons, former Minister and PC leader Imran Raza Ansari announced that former MLA of Zanaskar and PDP leader, Bakir Hussian Rizwi, another PDP leader, Abhijit Jasrotia besides other leaders joined PC.
Ansari said that PC is emerging as a political alternative in the State and it will ensure a stable political future to the people of J&K.