Prem Nath Bhat- A Visionary

Adarsh Ajit
The weather of Kashmir valley is changing fast. Flowers are no more. Red leaves of Chinars threaten. Unexpected clouds are hovering. Prem Nath Bhat Sahab is unmoved. He is a very bold person. He studies law in Aligarh Muslim University. Bhat Sahab has two postgraduate degrees, one in Political Science and the other in Economics from Aligarh University. He practices law at Anannag. He is not interested in going to Srinagar to practice law despite the insistence by the Late Justice Jia Lal Kilam. Anantnag and Nagbal are in his blood. He always keeps the interests of the people of his hometown and surrounding areas in view. However, he is in association with the leading lawyers of Srinagar like Shri Janki Nath Bhan, Shri Kashi Nath Bhat, Shri S L Koul, Shri Latif Qureshi. They give him lot of respect because of his legal acumen and dedication towards the profession.
Bhat is a bold journalist. He hints about the changing weathers of so-called Kashmiriat. His writings are warning signals. However, the men at work turn deaf ears to his writings.
Born in 1932 in a middle class family, Shri Prem Nath Bhat, is popularly known as Bhat Sahab. He studies in Amar Singh College and S P College of Srinagar. He comes in contact with Mr Amar Nath Ganjoo, Mr Makhan Lal Aima, Mr Janki Nath Dobi, Mr Soom Nath Suri, Mr B L Sadhu, Mr C L Sadhu, Mr Pushkar Nath Karnail, Mr Madhan Ji from Rainawari, Mr Jial Lal Kaul (From Habba Kadal) and others. He participates actively in debates and social work. His focus remains Hindutva. He is in-charge of Shakhaas, from Breyikujan to Rainawari, for a long time.
He has passion for Hindutva. He is helpful to Muslims as well. He is a philanthropist. He spends ten percent of his professional income for charity without any publicity. Bhat Sahab and his team feed about 150 families monthly through Vivekananda Kendra very secretly.
Even veteran like Mirza Afzal Beg enjoys his company because of his sharp wisdom and suggests to that he should join politics but he rejects. Mr. Makhan Lal Fotedar, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, Shams-u-Din, ex Prime Minister of Jammu and and Kashmir state, Abdul Majid Khatib, Gulam Nabi Deva, P L Handoo, Ghulam Rasool Kochak, Gulam Nabi Hagroo, Abdul Salam Deva, and Gulam Nabi Kochak are very close to him.
The serene atmosphere of the Resh Vaer is polluted with bomb blasts, slogans, roaring of guns and rallies. Anti-India activities are exercised in the land of peace. Two months earlier, Bhat Sahab is invited by Jamati Islami to address a congregation at Ashaji Pora Anantnag. He is the only Pandit who is invited by Jamati Islami to deliver the lecture on the teachings of Holy Quran. They are spell-bound, which leads to a lot of debates through newspapers. Moreover being a competent lawyer, he gives legal counsel without any party or religious lines. The atmosphere of the valley reaches a point-of-no-return. He is advised to leave the valley of Kashmir even by his Muslim well-wishers. He does not listen to anybody. He is in love with Kashmir particularly Anantnag and Nagbal.
December 27, 1989 Afternoon
The icon of the community, the representative of humanity, a scholar, a farsighted journalist, an advocate and above all a man of commitment and determination is shot at point-blank near his ancestral house at Dasi Mohalla (Khawaja Mir Ali) Anantnag. He passes away. Very few Muslims share this agony. A procession of Pandits is taken through the bazaars next day. Even some Muslim shopkeepers down their shutters. As a mark of respect, he is cremated at Nagbal, Anantnag instead of a crematorium. Kashmir is so changed that his final bath is given near a tap. His family takes the urn of ashes from Anantnag leaving the entire library, the notes made by Bhat Sahab right from the date of joining the court, and the largest law library along with everything there. They stay at Jammu. After some days, they immerse the ashes at Hardwar hoping that they will go back. Now they are in the twenty-ninth year of displacement.
During exile
Men like Makhan Lal Aima, O N Kak, Balji Nath Pandit, Justice Janki Nath Bhat, Yash Bhasin and especially the young, dedicated and energetic team of workers play main roles in deciding that Chetna Divas should be observed every year lest we should forget the wounds. Highlighting the main problems confronted by the community irrespective of political affiliations is the motive of the Trust. Personalities like Arun Jaitley, Kedar Nath Sahney, G Vasudev from Kanya Kumari, Sahib Singh Verma, Madhan Lal khurana, Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Abdul Ahad Vakil, Arjun Singh, Dr. Mehboob Beg, R S Chib, Justice Bashir-u-Din, Justice A Q Parray, S K Sinha and Sexena (former governors), Nirmala Sita Raman, Anupam Kher, and others participate in the programme.
Kashmiri Pandit community observes 27th of December as Chetna Divas every year in memory of the Late Prem Nath Bhat and other martyrs. Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust is spearheading a movement for the passage of Temples and Shrine Bill. Kashmiri Pandits are presently rooted to their soil through the temples and shrines. Nevertheless, nobody listens to their concern. Temples and Shrines Bill is the matter of existence. If Kartarpur and Sharda in Pak and Pok can be reached at then why is the bill always ignored?
The real tribute to the late Prem Nath Bhat is to give a united fight by the community so that the Temples and Shrines Bill is passed.