Monitoring official vehicles

The question is as to why excepting some VVIPs, there should be any provision for official vehicles for Government officers. Why should, instead, they be not reimbursed the fuel charges on monthly basis as fixed by the General Administrative Department in respect of using own vehicles by the State officers for official works, tours and inspections etc. That would automatically address the main problem of misusing the official vehicles for family and personal use.
However, without disturbing the existing system, the State Government has, though belatedly, felt the need to establish a control system to monitor the movement of official vehicles. To do all this through what is known as Global Positioning System (GPS), is a welcome step provided the system having come up at a cost of Rs.48.39 lakh, remained functional to produce desired results . That the system hopefully would remain functional round the clock for providing transport facilities to Government functionaries and other law enforcing agencies and most importantly, could monitor and find the “exact location” of the vehicles, though appearing a novel experiment needs to be provided all the support from the concerned departments and officers. It could go a long way towards addressing the problem of misusing of official vehicles . This is a measure , undoubtedly , that goes to play its part towards encouraging austerity measures . Let us hope the system is “allowed” to remain operational worthy without frequent “technical faults”.