Save Tawi

This refers to article titled “Development Causing Disaster to Tawi” by Dr Raja Muzaffar (Daily Excelsior 24.12.2018). I am shocked to know that private construction company under the nose of District Administration and Pollution Control Board has encroached Tawi at village Moud in Udhampur. How can a private firm encroach 45 kanals of land while as only 10 marlas have been allotted to it for setting up of huge Pullozona Crusher without the knowledge of Revenue Officials , Forest Department employees and District Pollution Control Board office ?
Government must order an in-depth inquiry into this issue. I appreciate role of M A Mir State Information Commissioner for ordering a detailed inquiry into this whole issue that can lead to environmental disaster ? I appeal Commissioner Secretary Environment and Forests plus Chairman Pollution Control Board to get this whole issue investigated at an earliest. Deputy Commissioner Udhampur must evict the land grabbed by construction company without any delay. He must also take the officials of local tehsil and DC office to task who are involved in this whole criminal act
Mushtaq Ahmad
Budgam Kashmir