Corporator asks people to cooperate in making Ward clean

Stray dogs menace, garbage disposal problem dominate Ward No 66

Sanjeev K. Sharma
JAMMU: Stray dogs menace, problem of garbage disposal, poor street-lights among other issues dominate the Ward number 66, Lower Roop Nagar area, of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC).
One may easily find madly thrown garbage in the Ward at many places and even in drains which consequently gets blocked due to this.
Sheela-a housewife narrated her daily tale saying that her beautifully built and well decorated residence gets a shabby look from the garbage thrown by some people near her home.
She expressed lot of resentment against such poorly civic sensed people as she said that stray dogs further spread such garbage and adding to her misery no Safaikaramchari remains there to clear the filth.
“Some containers are placed in the Ward are not daily cleared and this gives bad smell along with flies problems and at many places there are garbage dumps which are rarely lifted,” she maintained.
A college going Pooja said that the locality badly lacks street lights and it becomes extremely difficult in evening hours to walk through the broken streets in the Ward where many times people fall while threat of criminals like snatchers too remains high under such circumstances.
Charan Dass, Supriya and others informed that there is water crisis in the Ward as water supply is not made daily in the Ward and people are forced to buy water from private tankers after paying hefty amounts.
Some other housewives said that stray dogs are very common in the Ward and whenever they find some gate opened they easily enter that particular house and spoil things there and also scare the inmates.
Meenakshi said that daily she find herds of stray dogs near her home who litter there and add to the problems.
She further said that her children get scared of these canines and often have problems in reaching school in time as such dogs remain present in the way.
Not only this, the Ward has dilapidated lanes and drains, poor cleanliness, insanitation conditions, heavy use of poly bags apart from some other problems.
After the recently held Urban Local Bodies (ULB) elections Anganwari Worker Tripta Devi won as the new Corporator of the Ward and now locals pin all hopes on her for getting solutions to the problems the Ward is facing.
In an exclusive interview with EXCELSIOR, Tripta Devin talked about the problems of her Ward and her plans to solve them soon for the good of the people.
She informed that root-cause of many problems of her Ward is that there are very less facilities for proportionally more population in the Ward where, she said, even the Safaikaramchari never visits daily.
She said that there are 3-4 parks in the area but all are poorly maintained with no gardener to care.
However, she informed that soon she will raise all such problems in the meetings and sessions of JMC and she expects that solution for all these problems including that of dilapidated roads and lanes and street lights will easily be found.
Replying to a question she said that there is low crime rate in the Ward and even addiction problem is also not much alarming.
“Still I will appeal to the parents to keep a vigil on their children,” she said.
On garbage problem she informed that public needs awareness to stop madly throwing of garbage and informed that soon dustbins will be given to the households and some containers will also be placed in the Ward to empty the household dustbins in the Ward.
She also said that the already placed containers are not cleared daily as there is less staff with the JMC at present.
“Soon JMC will make some more recruitments so these problems will be solved soon,” she informed.
She also said that she needs public support and cooperation to maintain cleanliness in the Ward which will be her priority.
She agreed that stray dog menace is a big problem in the Ward and said that she will talk with the concerned sections in JMC over that.
On poly bags she said that this is another problem which leads to choking of drains and added that manufacture and import of these bags should be stopped strictly.
“Many water-loggings are formed at many places in the Ward during rains as blocked drains got over-flooded and dirty water comes out,” she said adding that soon the drains and lanes will be rebuild with proper slopes so that water-logging is avoided.
She also said that soon she will get fog sprayed in the Ward as many cases of dengue have been reported there.
“Streamlining water supply, sanitation and cleanliness were my promises with the people and soon work on these will start,” the Corporator said.
Tripta Devi is a first time Corporator on BJP mandate and she won with a margin of 777 votes after defeating her rival Payal Chopra of Congress who got 671 votes against 1480 polled to Tripta.
She informed that her husband Tara Chand owns a joinery mill installed at their home and she has two daughters Surbhi studying in class 8 and Tania-a class 12th student and a son Karanveer who is in class 3rd.
When asked how she will maintain a balance between her role as a housewife and as Corporator as she has resigned from Anganwadi post, she informed that her husband is very helpful to her and assists her in very many things at home and her children are helpful.
She also informed that her election expenditure remained Rs. 1.5 lakh.
She concluded with an appeal to her Ward people for cooperating her in making the Ward a clean Ward.