Shifting of Ware House

Imagine the callousness of concerned quarters at governmental level that a Ware House which generates 1500 to 2000 crore rupees business annually and pays 100 to 200 crore rupees annual toll tax to the public treasury is left shorn of proper sanitary conditions, regular power supply despite 100 per cent metering, hassle-free transportation and adequate space for stocking wholesale merchandise. A wholesale tradesman needs minimum of 50×50 feet space for stocking his goods but at present the space allotted to him is barely 15×20 feet much less than what a ;petty retailer uses. Fifty years ago the present site was selected for the Ware House. Business in the State and especially in Jammu region has increased manifold and the present site close to Bikram Chowk is totally unsuitable for the type of business that has to be conducted. The Government has adopted very nonchalant attitude towards shifting of the Ware Hose to an identified place namely Raya in Samba district. Bureaucratic wrangling and lack of seriousness are two main reasons why the shifting of the Ware House has not been done. While JDA authorities say that the reason for delay in shifting is owing to revenue department’s slackness in finalizing handing over of the land in Raya, the Deputy Commissioner of Samba asserts that his office has not been approached by JDA for land acquisition. This very sordid and anti-traders’ attitude is totally unacceptable. Nowhere do we find Ware Houses located within the main city and Jammu is an exception case. The higher authorities should take a note of the genuine complaint of trading fraternity and see to it that the Ware House is shifted in shortest possible time.