Hindi play ‘The Refund’ staged

A scene from Hindi play 'The Refund' staged at Reasi on Sunday.
A scene from Hindi play 'The Refund' staged at Reasi on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

REASI, Jan 6: Fritiz Karinthy’s Hindi play ‘The Refund’ was staged by Sangam Theatre Group here today.
The play was directed by M. Akram Khan.
The play is an unusual story wherein a student who was a bad performer in school comes back to the school as a young man and wants a refund of all the fees that he paid.
He jeers his professors, calling them names and tells them that they were good for nothing as he did not derive any value from them.
He also threatens the school with legal action if they don’t return his money. The Principal is livid, but the Maths teacher sizes up the situation quickly and proposes a solution.
She says that each of the teachers would administer an oral quiz to him and if he gets even one question right, then he is deemed to have passed all his exams and will not be entitled to any refund, otherwise he can be given a refund if he fails to answer all the questions correctly.
According to her plan, every professor should ask him two questions – one easy and the other hard. The young man agrees to this proposition since he is determined to get his money and so he looks forward to answering every question incorrectly even if he knows the right answers to some or all of them. So, one by one, the teachers quizzed him but he answered all of them incorrectly and was quite delighted at the progress he is making. The Principal felt uneasy but the Maths professor assured that she can handle it. Finally it is the turn of the Maths professor. She says she is going to ask him the easy question first.
The young man gave a wrong answer and was greatly relieved and looked extremely happy in flunking this quiz. The Maths teacher turns around to the horrified Principal and coolly says that the young man is right about asking his fees back and that the school should refund him.