NEW DELHI: Indian Railways on Monday clarified that asking the passengers to reach railway station 15-20 minutes before train’s departure is not a mandatory order and there is no provision as such to close the station before locomotive’s departure.
Railways spokesperson and ADG (Public Relations) Smita Sharma told reporters here that Railways just want to enhance the security and safety of its passengers. New scanners and metal detectors are being installed on as many as 200 railway stations across the nation and that is why passengers are requested to report 15-20 minutes before the scheduled departure time of their train.
Some media reports on Sunday said that Railways is planning to seal stations just like airports and passengers would have to arrive 15-20 minutes before scheduled time of train’s departure for necessary security checks.
However, Ms Smita held these media reports ”misleading” and said Railways did not want its passengers to suffer in any manner. (AGENCIES)