inner voice

Going Away…Will It Still Be the Same?

Today I sat down
In the quietness of the evening
The poetess in me was taking shape
Very rarely does this happen
It meant something
had touched me immensely
Going deeper into my
thoughts I found out
I had a question about my future
A question of my life ahead
What would happen without them?
What would it mean not to have them?
Will it still be the same? I wondered…
The warmth of their hands waking
me up in the morning
Telling me what to do even
without saying anything
Going away…will it still be the same?
Their smiles and laughter
I cared for them and they cared for me
Going away…will it still be the same?
That furious expression on my faults
Later changing into forgiving smiles
That one code name said it all
Going away…will it still be the same?
From extracting chocolates from juniors
to being called Bullies
Being awake all night for
that special Fudge
To seeing that the day is just
the way she wants
Going away…will it still be the same?
Those unforgettable talks till late night
All laughing and crying the same time
The loving memories of our times
Leaving them…will still be the same?
We the Mayoites
All leaving a part of our hearts here…
In Charumati, Karunavati,
Meera, Padmini, Sanyogita
In Temple grounds and Rohu Gardens
From Prize Giving to the
Best House Trophy
United in MCGS spirit forever
Going away…it will never
be the same again!

Anannaya K. Sangra
(Mayo College Girls’ School, Ajmer)

You Touched My Soul

The clarity you gave to me,
It shone like Angel rays,
Like water rushed on golden sands,
And crashed along the bays.
The questions deep within my heart
Confused my humble mind,
I am confused what I talk
Yet when you spoke your words alone
It seemed, no longer I was blind.
The answers all came
flooding in,
She touched my inner soul,
Within my heart I hold.
I understood that the events
I don’t know her name
but she touched my soul

Namita Thakur (Nami)
GCW Prade

Life is so beautiful

For stars I have flowers;
For moon the goal that
I have set for myself;
For inspiration you my love,
For jubilation there is plenty
On this earth.
There are things I run after
For fun
So beautiful is this life
And the things around!

Surat Singh, KAS