‘PC will sacrifice anything to safeguard J&K’s special status’

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 19: Ahead of hearing on petitions challenging Article 35A in Supreme Court, former Minister and Peoples Conference (PC) senior leader, Abdul Gani Vakil said that Article 35-A is an ‘Article of trust’ and sacrosanct. Any tinkering will have serious repercussions, not just for the State, but the whole country.
He said “Article 370 and 35-A are sacred for us and Constitutional guarantees of our special status form the basis of our relationship with India. Any tinkering with the ‘article of trust’ will not be tolerated at any cost and PC is ready for any sacrifice to safeguard Article 35 A. The Government of India must understand that any attempts to fiddle with Article 35 A will only create alienation and push the youth to the wall which is not in the interests of the nation”, he added.
Reiterating PC’s commitment to safeguard the State’s special status ‘from further erosion’, Vakil said “his party is dedicated & committed to safeguard both Articles’’.
Accusing NC, Congress and PDP for being facilitators and co-conspirators in every single machination launched against the State’s special status, Vakil asked how these parties are now shedding crocodile tears so as to exploit sentiments of the people by projecting themselves as the protectors and saviors of Articles 35-A and 370.
“The extent of autonomy which was once enjoyed by State of J&K has been diluted over the years with the concurrence of NC, PDP and Congress led State governments by making 45 amendments in J&K Constitution thus surrendering majority of legislative powers of the State Legislature and the executive powers of the State Government to the Parliament and the Union Government respectively. NC, PDP and Congress even enacted a drama of coming together to safeguard the special status when their real motive was to protect the ‘rights’ of two dynasts.
“Isn’t it a fact that the Congress Government headed by Ghulam Mohammad Sadiq in 1965 made the most perilous assault on the State autonomy by amending the Constitution to do away with ‘Sadr-i-Riyasat’ and the ‘Prime Minister’ and designate them as ‘Governor’ and the ‘Chief Minister’ respectively. Isn’t it a fact that State Government headed by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in 1975 amended Art 368 to add a clause which made it impossible for the State Legislature to reverse the amendments made in the State Constitution in 1965. Now the same parties are in alliance, hoodwinking people, exploiting their sentiments on Article 35-A” Vakil asked.